Department of Biology
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1009001 原著 Dewi K, Hasegawa H. A new Syphacia species (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) collected from Bunomys spp. (Rodentia: Muridae) in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Journal of Parasitology  96 (1), 125–128, 2010. Hasegawa H
1009002 原著 Petrzerkova KJ, Hasegawa H, Appleton CC, Huffman MA, Archer CE, Moscovice LR, Mapua MI, Singh J, Kaur T. Gastrointestinal parasites of the chimpanzee population introduced onto Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania.
American Journal of Primatology  72 (4), 307-316, 2010. Petrzerkova KJ
1009003 原著 Hasegawa H, Sato H, Fujita S, Mbehang Nguema PP, Nobusue K, Miyagi K, Kooriyama T, Takenoshita Y, Noda S, Sato A,  Morimoto A, Ikeda, Y, Nishida N. Molecular identification of the causative agent of human strongyloidiasis acquired in Tanzania: Dispersal and diversity of Strongyloides spp. and their hosts.
Parasitology International 59, 407–413, 2010. Hasegawa H
1009004 原著 Kuze N, Kanamori T, Peter Malim T, Bernard H, Zamma K, Kooriyama T, Morimoto A, Hasegawa H.  Parasites found from the feces of Bornean orangutans in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, with a redescription of Pongobius hugoti and the descroiption of a new species of Pongobius (Nematoda: Oxyuridae).
Journal of Parasitology 96 (5), 954–960, 2010. Hasegawa H
1009005 症例報告 Uni S,  Boda T,  Daisaku K, Ikura Y, Maruyama H, Hasegawa H, Fukuda M, Takaoka H, Bain O. Zoonotic filariasis caused by Onchocerca dewittei japonica in a resident of Hiroshima Prefecture, Honshu, Japan.
Parasitology International 59, 477–480, 2010. Uni S
1009006 症例報告 熊瀬有美,加藤睦子,高畠まゆみ,中山 正,荻原紀子,長谷川英男. 9隻の虫体を片眼に認めた東洋眼虫症の1例. 臨床眼科 64 (10) 1747-1750, 2010.  
1009007 症例報告 宇仁茂彦,保田智之,大作浩一,福田昌子,丸山治彦,長谷川英男,高岡宏行. イノシシに寄生するOnchocerca dewittei japonicaによる人体寄生例:広島県の症例を含むわが国の症例について.
Clinical Parasitology  21, 77-80, 2010.