Center for Community Medicine
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1073001 原著 Ono E, Taniguchi M, Higashi N, Mita H, Yamaguchi H, Tatsuno S, Fukutomi Y, Tanimoto H, Sekiya K, Oshikata C, Tsuburai T, Tsurikisawa N, Otomo M, Maeda Y, Hasegawa M, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T, Akiyama K.
Increase in Salivary Cysteinyl-Leukotriene Concentration in Patients with Aspirin-Intolerant Asthma. Allergol Int. 60 (1), 37-43 2010.  
1073002 原著 Honda K, Okada F, Ando Y, Mori H, Umeki K, Ishii H, Kadota J, Ando M, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T Comparison of pulmonary HRCT findings and serum KL-6 levels in patients with sarcoidosis. Br J Radiol. 84(999) 229-235 2010.  
1073003 原著 Ueno T, Miyazaki E, Ando M, Nureki S, Kumamoto T.  Osteopontin levels are elevated in patients with eosinophilic pneumonia. Respirology 15 (7), 1111-1121, 2010.  
1073004 原著 Ito T, Goto K, Yoh K, Niho S, Ohmatsu H, Kubota K, Nagai K, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T, Nishiwaki Y. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy as a paraneoplastic manifestation of lung cancer. J Thoracic Oncology 5 (7), 976-980, 2010.  
1073005 原著 Ono E, Taniguchi M, Higashi N, Mita H, Kajiwara K, Yamaguchi H, Tatsuno S, Fukutomi Y, Tanimoto H, Sekiya K, Oshikata C, Tsuburai T, Tsurikisawa N, Otomo M, Maeda Y, Hasegawa M, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T, Akiyama K.
CD203c expression on human basophils is associated with asthma exacerbation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology J Allergy Clin Immunol. 125 (2), 483-489, 2010.  
1073006 原著 Takenaka R, Matsuno O, Kitajima K, Ono E, Hiroshige S, Nishitake T, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T. The use of frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD in assessment of gastro-oesophageal reflex symptoms in asthma.  Allergy and Immunopathol(Madr). 38 (1), 20-24, 2010.  
1073007 原著 Ando M, Miyazaki E, Ito T, Hiroshige S, Nureki SI, Ueno T, Takenaka R, Fukami T, Kumamoto T. Significance of serum vascular endothelial growth factor level in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Lung 188 (3), 247-252, 2010.  
1073008 原著 Matsuno O, Ono E, Ueno T, Takenaka R, Nishitake T, Hiroshige S, Miyazaki E, Kumamoto T, Higuchi Y. Increased serum ADAM8 concentration in patients with drug-induced eosinophilic pneumonia-ADAM8 expression depends on a the allergen route of entry. 
Respir Med 104 (1), 34-39, 2010.  
1073009 症例報告 Ando M, Miyazaki E, Yamasue M, Sadamura Y, Ishii T, Takenaka R, Ito T, Nureki S, Kumamoto T. Successful treatment with tacrolimus of progressive interstitial pneumonia associated with amyopathic dermatomyositis refractory to cyclosporine. 
Clin Rheumatol 29 (4), 443-445, 2010.  
1073010 原著 Taniguchi H, Ebina M, Kondoh Y, Ogura T, Azuma A, Suga M, Taguchi Y, Takahashi H, Nakata K, Sato A, Takeuchi M, Raghu G, Kudoh S, Nukiwa T; Pirfenidone Clinical Study Group in Japan.
Pirfenidone in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Eur Respir J 35 (4), 821-829, 2010.  
1073011 原著 Matsuda M, Sentani K, Noguchi T, Hinoi T, Okajima M, Matsusaki K, Sakamoto N, Anami K, Naito Y, Oue N, Yasui W. Immunohistochemical analysis of colorectal cancer with gastric phenotype: claudin-18 is associated with poor prognosis.
Pathol Int. 60 (10), 673-680, 2010.  
1073012 原著 Anami K, Oue N, Noguchi T, Sakamoto N, Sentani K, Hayashi T, Hinoi T, Okajima M, Graff JM, Yasui W. Search for transmembrane protein in gastric cancer by the Escherichia coli ampicillin secretion trap: expression of DSC2 in gastric cancer with intestinal phenotype.
J Pathol. 221 (3), 275-284, 2010.  
1073013 原著 Sentani K, Oue N, Noguchi T, Sakamoto N, Matsusaki K, Yasui W. Immunostaining of gastric cancer with neuroendocrine differentiation: Reg IV-positive neuroendocrine cells are associated with gastrin, serotonin, pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin.
Pathol Int. 60 (4), 291-297, 2010.  
1073014 原著 Sakamoto N, Oue N, Noguchi T, Sentani K, Anami K, Sanada Y, Yoshida K, Yasui W. Serial analysis of gene expression of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: ADAMTS16 is upregulated in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Cancer Sci.  101(4), 1038-1044, 2010.  
1073015 原著 Tsukamoto Y, Nakada C, Noguchi T, Tanigawa M, Nguyen LT, Uchida T, Hijiya N, Matsuura K, Fujioka T, Seto M, Moriyama M. MicroRNA-375 is downregulated in gastric carcinomas and regulates cell survival by targeting PDK1 and 14-3-3zeta.
Cancer Res. 70 (6), 2339-2349, 2010.  
1073016 原著 Uchida M, Tsukamoto Y, Uchida T, Ishikawa Y, Nagai T, Hijiya N, Nguyen LT, Nakada C, Kuroda A, Okimoto T, Kodama M, Murakami K, Noguchi T, Matsuura K, Tanigawa M, Seto M, Ito H, Fujioka T, Takeuchi I, Moriyama M.
Genomic profiling of gastric carcinoma in situ and adenomas by array-based comparative genomic hybridization. J Pathol. 221 (1), 96-105, 2010.  
1073017 著書 猪股雅史, 衛藤剛, 森山初男, 安田一弘, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 直腸S状部進行癌に対する前方切除 D3郭清. 奥田準二編 腹腔鏡下大腸手術の基本手術手技,   103-127, 2010.  
1073018 著書 Kitano S, Shiraishi N. Laparoscopic approaches to gastric cancer. F.L. Greene, B.T. Heniford (Eds.) Minimally Invasive Cancer Management (second edition) 10, 113-125, 2010.  
1073019 総説 衛藤剛, 吉住文孝, 安田一弘, 猪股雅史, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 腹腔鏡下噴門側胃切除術における細径胃管を用いた再建法.  手術 64(1), 41-46, 2010.  
1073020 総説 野口剛, 野口琢矢, 太田正之, 猪股雅史, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 結紮とクリッピング−内視鏡下手術 消化器外科 33(3), 297-306, 2010.  
1073021 総説 猪股雅史, 安田一弘, 太田正之, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 臨床症状からの診断プロセス:吐血・下血.   臨床と研究 87(3), 23-26, 2010.  
1073022 総説 安田一弘, 上田貴威, 當寺ヶ盛学, 衛藤剛, 猪股雅史, 野口剛, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 胃手術後の高インスリン血症と低血糖. 内分泌・糖尿病・代謝内科 30(2), 158-161, 2010.  
1073023 総説 鈴木浩輔, 白石憲男, 猪股雅史, 衛藤剛, 安田一弘, 北野正剛 縫合・吻合法の実際−胸・腹腔鏡手術における縫合・吻合の実際−腹腔鏡手術における切開・縫合機器とその安全な操作.  外科治療 102(増刊号), 211-217, 2010.  
1073024 総説 衛藤剛, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 術後合併症と対策: 胃癌手術 腹腔鏡補助下幽門側胃切除術(LADG).  消化器外科 33(5), 794-795, 2010.  
1073025 総説 安田一弘, 河野洋平, 赤木智徳, 鈴木浩輔, 吉住文孝, 川口孝二, 猪股雅史, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 消化器外科手術における新しい潮流:Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES).  臨床外科 65(5), 662-666, 2010.  
1073026 総説 猪股雅史, 北野正剛, 白石憲男 内視鏡外科治療の現況と展望.  日本臨牀 68(7), 1232-1238, 2010.  
1073027 総説 猪股雅史, 衛藤剛, 安田一弘, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 イラストたっぷり7日間でわかる!大腸癌の治療とケア完全マスター:3日目. 結腸切除術.   消化器外科ナーシング  15(11), 27-34, 2010.  
1073028 総説 猪股雅史, 白下英史, 衛藤剛, 安田一弘, 白石憲男, 北野正剛. 腹腔鏡下手術:右半結腸切除術.  臨床外科 65(11), 305-311, 2010.  
1073029 総説 猪股雅史, 白下英史, 衛藤剛, 安田一弘, 白石憲男, 北野正剛. 腹腔鏡下右半結腸切除術.  臨床外科 65(13), 1648-1653, 2010.  
1073030 総説 江口英利, 太田正之, 衛藤剛, 平下禎二郎, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 特集:危ない静脈瘤出血〔合併疾患を有する食道・胃静脈瘤出血への対応〕胃癌合併症例.  消化器内視鏡 22(10), 1813-1818, 2010.  
1073031 総説 衛藤剛, 河野洋平, 安田一弘, 猪股雅史, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 腹腔鏡下噴門側胃切除術におけるリンパ節郭清-剥離点と切離ライン決めの工夫-.  手術 64(13), 1933-1937, 2010.  
1073032 総説 Kitano S, Shiraishi N. Editorial: Laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy with jejuna pouch interposition. Ann Surg Oncol  17(8), 1987-1988, 2010.  
1073033 総説 Etoh T, Yasuda K, Inomata M, Shiraishi N, Kitano S Revisional surgery after gastrectomy for gastric cancer: Review of the literature.   Surg Laparo Endo Per 20(5), 332-337, 2010.  
1073034 総説 Etoh T, Yasuda K, Inomata M, Shiraishi N, Kitano S Current status of laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric malignancies.  Surg Technol Int 20, 153-157, 2010.  
1073035 原著 Anwar T, Shiraishi N, Ninomiya S, Tajima M, Inomata M, Kitano S. Activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) and induction of migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in tumors by surgical stress of laparotomy vs. CO2 pneumoperitoneum: an animal experiment.
 Surg Endosc 24(3), 578-583,  2010.  
1073036 原著 Akagi T, Inomata M, Etoh T, Yasuda K, Shiraishi N, Kitano S. Clinical outcomes of laparoscopic colonic resection for diverticular disease in Japanese patients.  Asian J Endosc Surg 3(3), 133-136, 2010.  
1073037 原著 Ali AT, Shiraishi N, Ninomiya S, Tajima M, Inomata M, Kitano S. Increased m RNA expression of epidermal growth factor receptor, human epidermal receptor, and survivin in human gastric cancer after the surgical stress of laparotomy versus carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum in a murine model.
Surg Endosc 24(6), 1427-1433, 2010.  
1073038 原著 Kong SH, Oh BM, Ahn HS, Lee HJ, Chung SG, Shiraishi N, Kitano S, Yang HK. Comparison of two-and three-dimensional camera systems in laparoscopic performance: a novel 3D system with one camera.  Surg Endosc   24(5), 1132-1143, 2010.  
1073039 原著 Akagi T, Shiraishi N, Hiroishi K, Etoh T, Yasuda K, Kitano S. Intra-abdominal adhensions induced by artificial ulceration after endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) before additional laparoscopic gastrectomy.
Gastrointest Endosc   72(2), 438-443, 2010.  
1073040 原著 Suzuki K, Yasuda K, Kawaguchi K, Yoshizumi F, Inomata M, Shiraishi N, Kitano S Cardiopulmonary and immunologic effects of transvaginal NOTES cholecystectomy in comparison with those of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a porcine survival model.
Gastrointest Endosc 72(6), 1241-1248,  2010.  
1073041 症例報告 増田崇, 藤井及三, 白水章夫, 猪股雅史, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 経仙骨的腫瘍切除術を行った直腸GISTの2例.  手術 64(1), 129-133,  2010.  
1073042 症例報告 白下英史, 田島正晃, 板東登志雄, 有田毅, 首藤充孝, 阿部寿徳, 白石憲男, 北野正剛, 駄阿勉 横行結腸のいわゆるhamartomatous inverted polypの1例.  Gastroenterological Endoscopy  52(5), 1426-1431, 2010.  
1073043 症例報告 赤木智徳, 衛藤剛, 江口英利, 廣石和章, 上田貴威, 安田一弘, 野口剛, 白石憲男, 北野正剛 S-1/CDDP 療法により腹膜播腫が消失し根治手術が可能となったスキルス胃癌の1例.  癌と化学療法  37(8), 1573-1577,  2010.  
1073044 症例報告 Nhan LQ, Inomata M, Etoh T, Tojigamori M, Shiraishi N, Kitano S. Tumor recurrence at a stapled-anastomosis after radical laparoscopic surgery for descending colon cancer treated successfully by laparoscopic colectomy: A case report.
 Asian J Endosc Surg  3(2), 90-93, 2010.  
1073045 総説 衛藤剛, 猪股雅史, 川口孝二, 安田一弘, 白石憲男, 北野正剛. 電気メス―腹腔鏡下手術における電気メス機器の使い方と注意点―. 手術 64(6), 921-925, 2010.  
1073046 原著 Mukae H, Yanagihara K, Ishimoto H, Sakamoto N, Ishii H, Nakayama S, Ishimatsu Y, Abe K, Shirai R, Kohno S Low expression of T-cell co stimulatory molecules in bone marrow-derived dendritic cellsin a mouse model of chronic respiratory infection with Pseudomonaaeruginosa.
Tohoku J exp Med 220(1), 59-65, 2010.