Department of intrnal medicine T
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Corres-ponding
1240001 原著 Masaki T, Anan F, Shimomura T, Fujiki M, Saikawa T, Yoshimatsu H. Association between hippocampal volume and serum adiponectin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Association between hippocampal volume and serum adiponectin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Metabolism  61(8), 1197-200, 2012.  
1240002 原著 Gotoh K, Inoue M, Masaki T, Chiba S, Shiraishi K, Shimasaki T, Matsuoka K, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Fukunaga N, Aoki K, Nawata T, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Yoshimatsu H.
Obesity-related chronic kidney disease is associated with spleen-derived IL-10. Nephrol Dial Transplant     2012.  
1240003 原著 Gotoh K, Inoue M, Masaki T, Chiba S, Shimasaki T, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H.

A novel anti-inflammatory role for spleen-derived interleukin-10 in obesity-induced hypothalamic inflammation. J Neurochem 120, 752-764, 2012.  
1240004 原著 Gotoh K, Inoue M, Masaki T, Chiba S, Shimasaki T, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H.

A novel anti-inflammatory role for spleen-derived interleukin-10 in obesity-induced inflammation in white adipose tissue and liver. Diabetes. 61, 1994-2003, 2012.  
1240005 原著 Gotoh K, Inoue M, Shiraishi K, Masaki T, Chiba S, Mitsutomi K, Shimasaki T, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H.
Spleen-derived interleukin-10 downregulates the severity of high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic Fatty pancreas disease. PLoS One. 7, 53154, 2012.  
1240006 原著 Fujiwara K, Gotoh K, Chiba S, Masaki T, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Yoshimatsu H.

Intraportal administration of DPP-IV inhibitor regulates insulin secretion  and food intake mediated by the hepatic vagal afferent nerve in rats.
J Neurochem. 121, 66-76,  2012.  
1240007 原著 Shinohara T, HW Park, B Joung, Maruyama M, SK Chua, S Han, MJ Shen, PS Chen, SF Lin. Selective sinoatrial node optical mapping and the mechanism of sinus rate acceleration. Circ J. 76(2) ,  309-316, 2012.  
1240008 原著 篠原徹二 心不全時の洞結節機能不全とCa2+ clock機能障害 心電図 32(4), 427-434, 2012.  
1240009 原著 Fukunaga N, Takahashi N, Hagiwara S, Kume O, Fukui A, Teshima Y, Shinohara T, Nawata T, Hara M, Noguchi T, Saikawa T. Establishment of a model of atrial fibrillation associated with chronic kidney disease in rats and the role of oxidative stress. Heart Rhythm. 9(12), 2023-31. 2012.  
1240010 原著 Oribe J, Kakuma T, Haranaka M, Okamoto K, Seike M, Yoshimatsu H.
Intraperitoneal administrartion attenuates thiazolidinedions-induced hepatic steatosis in KKAy mice with increased hepatic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ mRNA expression
Obes Res Clin Prac 6, 249-261, 2012.  
1240011 症例報告 Koichi Honda, Masataka Seike, Shin-ichiro Maehara, Koichiro Tahara, Hideaki Anai, Akira Moriuchi, Toyokichi Muro Lamivudine treatment enabling right hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma in decompensated cirrhosis
World J Gastroenterol 2012,  18 (20), 2586-2590, 2012.  
1240012 原著 Maeshima K, Yamaoka K, Kubo S, Nakano K, Iwata S, Saito K, Ohishi M, Miyahara H, Tanaka S, Ishii K, Yoshimatsu H, Tanaka Y. A JAK inhibitor tofacitinib regulates synovitis through inhibition of IFN-γ and IL-17 production by human CD4(+) T cells. Arthritis Rheum,  64 (6),   1790-1798, 2012.  
1240013 症例報告 Maeshima K, Ishii K, Iwakura M, Akamine M, Hamasaki H, Abe I, Haranaka M, Tatsukawa H, Yoshimatsu H. Adult-onset Still's disease with macrophage activation syndrome successfully treated with a combination of methotrexate and etanercept. Mod Rheumato,  22 (1) , 137-41 2012.  
1240014 症例報告 Maeshima K, Ishii K, Torigoe M, Imada C,
Iwakura M, Hamasaki H, Akamine M,
Haranaka M, Yoshimatsu H.
Successful tocilizumab and tacrolimus treatment in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis complicated by systemic lupus erythematosus Lupus, 21 (9),  1003-6, 2012.  
1240015 症例報告 鳥越雅隆、前島圭佑、石井宏治 自己炎症症候群やIgG4関連疾患との鑑別を要したウェステルマン肺吸虫症の一例 臨床雑誌 内科 2012 Oct  110 (4) , 679-682,  2012.  
1240016 総説 原 政英 冠攣縮は本当に日本人に多いのか レジデントノート増刊 Vol.14-No.14,  132(2694)-140(2702), 2012.  
1240017 総説 加隈哲也
日本医事新報,  4579, 64-65,  2012.  
1240018 総説 加隈哲也
肥満症に関する最新知識と今後の展望 肥満とパーソナリティ 診断と治療, 100, 1891-1896, 2012.  
1240019 総説 縄田智子 [循環器ナース必読!水・電解質、輸液の管理] 臨床編 腎不全・人工透析(腹膜透析を含む) Heart 2(3), 252-257, 2012.  
1240020 総説 篠原徹二、犀川哲典 高齢者の不整脈の病態、臨床的特徴と診断・治療上の注意点 月刊循環器 Circulation 2(10), 60-69, 2012.  
1240021 総説 前島圭佑、石井宏治、山岡邦宏、田中良哉 JAK阻害薬の有用性は? 内科 109, 664-666, 2012.  
1240022 その他 原 政英 健康のページ 心筋梗塞「その現状と対策」 白菊会々報, 第32号,  3-6, 2012.  
1240023 その他 原 政英 急性心筋梗塞「早い受診が救命の鍵」 朝日新聞, 大分28面,   2012.  
1240024 その他 加隈哲也
Gut Control of Energy Homeostasis
肥満研究 (第33回日本肥満学会学術総会記録), 18, 166, 2012.