Blood Transfusion Center
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Corres-ponding
1290001 総説 Pellett PE, Ablashi DV, Ambros PF, Agut H, Caserta MT, Descamps V, Flamand L, Agnès Gautheret-Dejean, Hall CB, Kamble RT, Kuehl U, Lassner D, Lautenschlager I, Loomis KS, Luppi M, Lusso P, Medveczky PG, Montoya JG, Mori Y, Ogata M, Pritchett JC, Rogez S, Seto E, Ward KN, Yoshikawa T, Razonable RR
Chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6: questions and answers Rev Med Virol 22(3),  144-155, 2012. Pellett PE
1290002 総説 Ogata M Human herpesvirus-6 in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients Journal of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 1 (3),  76-92,  2012. Ogata M
1290003 原著 Ogata M, Satou T, Inoue Y, Takano K, Ikebe T, Ando T, Ikewaki J, Kohno K, Nishida A, Saburi M, Miyazaki Y, Ohtsuka E, Saburi Y, Fukuda T, Kadota J Foscarnet against human herpesvirus (HHV)-6 reactivation after allo-SCT: breakthrough HHV-6 encephalitis following antiviral prophylaxis
Bone Marrow Transplant 48 (2),  257-264 2012 Ogata M
1290004 症例報告 Ikewaki J, Kawano R, Sato T, Imamura T, Kohno K, Ogata M, Ohtsuka E, KadotaJI An acquired CSF3R mutation in an adult chronic idiopathic neutropenia patient who developed acute myeloid leukaemia Brit J Haematol 157 (2), 264-266 2012 Ikewaki J
1290005 著書 緒方正男,  輸血 イヤーノート 22,  G10-G17 2012 緒方正男
1290006 著書 緒方正男,  中枢神経合併症 [HHV-6脳症を含む] みんなに役立つ造血幹細胞移植の基礎と臨床 改訂版 2,  460-165,  2012 緒方正男