Mathematics and Statistics
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1306001 原著 Suzaki Y, Uemura N, Takada M, Ohyama T, Itohda A, Morimoto T, Imai H, Hamasaki H,  Inano A, Hosokawa M, Tateishi M, Ohashi K. The effects of carboxylesterase 1 (CES1) polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of oseltamivir in humans. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 69, 21-30, 2013. Suzaki Y
1306002 原著 Ohyama T. Prior value incorporated calibration estimator in stratified random sampling. Statistics and Probability Letters 83, 46-51, 2013. Ohyama T
1306003 原著 Tabata M, Eshima N, Sakai Y, Takagi I. An extension of Krugman's core-periphery model to the case of a continuous domain: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of a system of nonlinear integral equations in spatial economics. Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications 14 (6), 2116-2132, 2013.  
1306004 原著 Iwata O, Okamura H, Saitsu H, Saikusa M, Kanda H, Eshima N, Iwata S, Maeno Y, Matsuishi T. Diurnal cortisol changes in newborn infants suggesting entrainment of peripheral circadian clock in utero and at birth. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 98 (1), 25-32, 2013  
1306005 原著 Kamida T, Kong S, Eshima N, Fujiki M. Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation affects seizures and cognition in fully amygdala-kindled rats. Journal of Neurological Research 35 (6), 602-607, 2013.  
1306006 原著 Furuta M, Shimazaki Y, Takeshita T, Shibata Y, Akifusa F, Eshima N, Kiyohara Y, Hirakawa Y, Mukai N, Nagata M, Yamashita Y. Gender differences in the association between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease: the Hisayama Study. Journal of Clinical Peridontology 40 (8), 743-752, 2013.