Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1557001 原著 Shrestha R, Hui SP, Imai H, Hashimoto S, Uemura N, Takeda S, Fuda H, Suzuki A, Yamaguchi S, Hirano KI, Chiba H. Plasma capric acid concentrations in healthy subjects determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Ann Clin Biochem. 52(5), 588-596, 2015  
1557002 原著 Yamashita S, Kataoka M, Suzaki Y, Imai H, Morimoto T, Ohashi K, Inano A, Togashi K, Mutaguchi K, Sugiyama Y. An Assessment of the Oral Bioavailability of Three Ca-Channel Blockers Using a Cassette-Microdose Study: A New Strategy for Streamlining Oral Drug Development. J Pharm Sci. 104(9), 3154-3161, 2015. Yamashita S
1557003 原著 Iwao M, Luo JN, Tsutsumi K, Hamasaki H, Imai H, Kotegawa T. Development and validation of high performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of pilocarpine in human plasma. Japanese Journal of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 32(3), 94-100, 2015. Tsutsumi K
1557004 総説 蓮沼智子 治験医師からみたリスクベースのモニタリング:Corrective Action and Preventive actionの観点から. Pharm Stage 14 29-33 2015.  
1557005 proceeding Hasunuma T, Araki N, Nakamura K, Shikano K, Momosaki K, Kawai S, Endo F, Takada F. Significance of measureing alpha-galactosidase a in fibromyalgia patients: possibility of Fabry disease in fibromyalgia patients. Ann Rheum Dis 74 1217 2015.