Department of Medical Oncology & Hematology
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1562001 原著 Takahashi H, Kaniwa N, Saito Y, Sai K, Hamaguchi T, Shirao K, Shimada Y, Matsumura Y, Ohtsu A, Yoshino T, Doi T, Takahashi A, Odaka Y, Okuyama M, Sawada J, Sakamoto H, Yoshida T. Construction of possible integrated predictive index based on EGFR and ANXA3 polymorphisms for chemotherapy response in fluoropyrimidine-treated Japanese gastric cancer patients using a bioinformatic method. BMC Cancer.   715-718, 2015  
1562002 原著 Hatake K, Doi T, Uetake H, Takahashi Y, Ishihara Y, Shirao K. Bevacizumab safety in Japanese patients with colorectal cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 46(3) 234-240, 2015.  
1562003 原著 Nishina T, Boku N, Gotoh M, Shimada Y, Hamamoto Y, Yasui H, Yamaguchi K, Kawai H, Nakayama N, Amagai K, Mizusawa J, Nakamura K, Shirao K, Ohtsu A; Gastrointestinal Oncology Study Group of the Japan Clinical Oncology Group. Randomized phase II study of second-line chemotherapy with the best available 5-fluorouracil regimen versus weekly administration of paclitaxel in far advanced gastric cancer with severe peritoneal metastases refractory to 5-fluorouracil-containing regimens (JCOG0407). Gastric Cancer.      2015.  
1562004 原著 Yoshida M, Muro K, Tsuji  A,Hamamoto Y,Yoshino T,Yoshida K,Shirao K,Miyata Y,Takahari D,Takahashi T,Ohtsu A. Combination chemotherapy with bevacizumab and S-1 for elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (BASIC trial). European Journal of Cancer. 51(8) 935-941, 2015.  
1562005 原著 Yamazaki K, Kuwano H, Ojima H, Otsuji T, Kato T, Shimada K, Hyodo I, Nishina T, Shirao K, Esaki T, Ohishi T, Denda T, Takeuchi M, Boku N. A randomized phase II study of combination therapy with S-1, oral leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (SOL) and mFOLFOX6 in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol.  75(3) 569-577, 2015.  
1562006 原著 Ko R, Kenmotsu H, Hisamatsu Y, Akamatsu H, Omori S, Nakashima K, Oyakawa T, Wakuda K, Shukuya T, Ono A, Imai H, Taira T, Naito T, Murakami H, Mori K, Endo M, Ohde Y, Takahashi K, Takahashi T. The effect of gefitinib in patients with postoperative recurrent non-small cell lung cancer harboring mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor. Int J Clin Oncol.  20(4) 668-673, 2015.  
1562007 原著 Kimura M, Naito T, Kenmotsu H, Taira T, Wakuda K, Oyakawa T, Hisamatsu Y, Tokito T, Imai H, Akamatsu H, Ono A, Kaira K, Murakami H, Endo M, Mori K, Takahashi T, Yamamoto N. Prognostic impact of cancer cachexia in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Support Care Cancer. 23(6) 1699-1708, 2015.  
1562008 原著 Takano K, Fuji S, Uchida N, Ogawa H, Ohashi K, Eto T, Sakamaki H, Morishima Y, Kato K, Suzuki R, Fukuda T.  Pre-transplant diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for non-relapse mortality, especially infection-related mortality, after allogeneic hematopoietic SCT.  Bone Marrow Transplant. 50(4) 553-558, 2015.  
1562009 原著 Okada F, Sato H, Omeri AK, Ono A, Tokuyama K, Ando Y, Matsumoto A, Ogata M, Kohno K, Takano K, Mori H. Chest HRCT findings in acute transformation of adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia. Eur Radiol. 25(6) 1607-1613, 2015.  
1562010 原著 Suzuki Y, Tokimatsu I, Morinaga Y, Sato Y, Takano K, Kohno K, Ogata M, Hiramatsu K, Itoh H, Kadota J. A retrospective analysis to estimate target trough concentration of vancomycin for febrile neutropenia in patients with hematological malignancy. Clin Chim Acta.  400 183-187, 2015.  
1562011 原著 Yamamoto H, Uchida N, Matsuno N, Kon A, Nishida A, Ota H, Ikebe T, Nakano N, Ishiwata K, Araoka H, Takagi S, Tsuji M, Asano-Mori Y, Yamamoto G, Izutsu K, Masuoka K, Wake A, Yoneyama A, Makino S, Taniguchi S. I.v. BU/fludarabine plus melphalan or TBI in unrelated cord blood transplantation for high-risk hematological diseases. Bone Marrow Transplant. 50(4) 607-609, 2015.  
1562012 原著 Kuramitsu M, Okuma K, Yamochi T, Sato T, Sasaki D, Hasegawa H, Umeki K, Kubota R, Sobata R, Matsumoto C, Kaneko N, Naruse I, Yamagishi M, Nakashima M, Momose H, Araki K, Mizukami T, Mizusawa S, Okada Y, Ochiai M, Utsunomiya A, Koh KR, Ogata M, Nosaka K, Uchimaru K, Iwanaga M, Sagara Y, Yamano Y, Satake M, Okayama A, Mochizuki M, Izumo S, Saito S, Itabashi K, Kamihira S, Yamaguchi K, Watanabe T, Hamaguchi I. Standardization of Quantitative PCR for Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 in Japan: A Collaborative Study. J Clin Microbiol.  53(11) 3485-3491, 2015.  
1562013 原著 Katsuya H, Ishitsuka K, Utsunomiya A, Hanada S, Eto T, Moriuchi Y, Saburi Y, Miyahara M, Sueoka E, Uike N, Yoshida S, Yamashita K, Tsukasaki K, Suzushima H, Ohno Y, Matsuoka H, Jo T, Amano M, Hino R, Shimokawa M, Kawai K, Suzumiya J, Tamura K. Treatment and survival among 1594 patients with ATL. Blood.  126(24) 2570-2577, 2015.  
1562014 原著 Ishida T, Jo T, Takemoto S, Suzushima H, Uozumi K, Yamamoto K, Uike N, Saburi Y, Nosaka K, Utsunomiya A, Tobinai K, Fujiwara H, Ishitsuka K, Yoshida S, Taira N, Moriuchi Y, Imada K, Miyamoto T, Akinaga S, Tomonaga M, Ueda R. Dose-intensified chemotherapy alone or in combination with mogamulizumab in newly diagnosed aggressive adult T-cell leukaemia-lymphoma: a randomized phase II study. Br J Haematol.  169(5) 672-682, 2015.  
1562015 原著 諸鹿柚衣,高田寛之,吉田奈津美,長松顕太郎,梨本佑子,佐分利益穂,高野久仁子,池邉太一,幸野和洋,緒方正男,白尾国昭. 同種造血幹細胞移植後急性GVHDに対するステロイド治療に伴う低フィブリノゲン血症. 臨床血液. 56(7) 883-888, 2015.  
1562016 原著 高田寛之,大塚英一,佐々木人大,井谷和人,大城美由紀,佐分利益穂,西田亜季,池邉太一,宮ア泰彦,佐分利能生. 大分県立病院におけるAzacitidineの使用経験. 大分県立病院医学雑誌. 42 3-6, 2015.  
1562017 症例報告 Ikebe T, Saburi Y, Ogata M, Shirao K. Aureric acute kidney injury due to bladder tamponade in a patient with acquired hemophilia A. Jacobs Journal of Clinical Case Reports. 1(5) 20-23, 2015.  
1562018 症例報告 Ikebe T, Sasaki  H, Saburi Y, Ogata M. Bilateral psoas muscle lymphoma: an unusual presentation of EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the elderly. Int J Hematol. 102(5) 509-510, 2015.  
1562019 症例報告 Sato H, Ono A, Okada F, Maeda T, Saburi Y, Urabe S, Mori H.  Case of Diffuse Alveolar Septal Amyloidosis Associated With Multiple Myeloma. Journal of Thoracic Imaging. 30(6) W73-W78, 2015.  
1562021 症例報告 佐分利益穂,大塚英一,井谷和人,長松顕太郎,池邉太一,宮崎泰彦,緒方正男,佐分利能生. 多発性骨髄腫に対するlenalidomide投与中に発症した後天性血友病A. 臨床血液. 56(5) 496-500, 2015.  
1562022 症例報告 佐藤慶二郎,住 昌彦,植木俊充,貝梅紘子,桐原健彦,武田 航,栗原太郎,廣島由紀,上野真由美,市川直明,佐藤隆子,緒方正男,福田隆浩小林 光. 同種移植後にウイルス再活性化との鑑別に要したchromosomally integrated human herpesvirus-6. 臨床血液. 56 404-11, 2015.  
1562023 症例報告 佐分利益穂、宮崎泰彦、井谷和人、長松顕太郎、大塚英一、緒方正男、佐分利能生. 発作性夜間血色素尿症から急性骨髄性白血病に移行し、eculizumab先行投与後に非血縁者間同種骨髄移植を行った一例. 日本造血細胞移植学会雑誌. 4(3) 87-90, 2015.  
1562024 総説 Ogata M, Fukuda T, Teshima T. Human herpesvirus-6 encephalitis after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: What we do and do not know. Bone Marrow Transplant. 50(8) 496-500, 2015.  
1562025 総説 緒方正男 同種造血幹細胞移植におけるHHV-6脳炎. Brain and Nerve. 67(7) 919-930, 2015.  
1562026 総説 緒方正男 造血細胞移植におけるHHV-6. 臨床血液. 56(10) 2160-2169, 2015.  
1562027 著書 平島詳典 白尾國昭 がん薬物療法専門医のために
1.消化管 食道がん.
入門腫瘍内科学  改訂第2版 146-149, 2015.  
1562028 著書 平島詳典 3.悪性腹水. 新臨床腫瘍学 改訂第4版 597-599, 2015.  
1562029 著書 緒方正男 輸血. year note 第25版 G10-G17, 2015.  
1562030 その他 白尾國昭(査読委員) がん薬物療法専門医のために 新臨床腫瘍学 改訂第4版班   2015.