Advanced Molecular Imaging Center
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1574001 原著 Kobashigawa S, Morikawa K, Mori H, Kashino G. Gemcitabine Induces Radiosensitization Through Inhibition of RAD51-dependent Repair for DNA Double-strand Breaks. Anticancer Res. 35 (5). 2731-2737. 2015 Kashino G
1574002 原著 Kobashigawa S, Kashino G, Mori H, Watanabe M. Relief of delayed oxidative stress by ascorbic acid can suppress radiation-induced cellular senescence in mammalian fibroblast cells. Mech Ageing Dev. 146-148. 65-71. 2015 Kobashigawa S
1574003 原著 Kobashigawa S, Kashino G, Suzuki K, Yamashita S, Mori H. Ionizing radiation-induced cell death is partly caused by increase of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in normal human fibroblast cells. Radiat Res. 183 (4). 455-464. 2015 Kobashigawa S