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整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
0972001 原著 Tokumaru O, Kuroki C, Yoshimura N, Sakamoto T, Takei H, Ogata K, Kitano T, Nisimaru N, Yokoi I.
Neuroprotective effects of ethyl pyruvate on brain energy metabolism after ischemia-reperfusion injury: a 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance study.
Neurochem Res
34, 775-785, 2009.    
0972002 proceeding Kuroki C, Tokumaru O, Ogata K, Koga H, Yokoi I.
Neuroprotective effects of hydrogen gas on brain in three types of stress models: a 31P-NMR study.
Neurochem Res
65 (suppl 1), S124, 2009.  
0972003 proceeding Tokumaru O, Kuroki C, Ogata K, Kitano T, Yokoi I.
Depolarizing high-[K+] load model of rat brain energy metabolism: a 31P-NMR study.
Neurochem Res
65 (suppl 1), S128, 2009.  
0972004 proceeding Kuroki C, Tokumaru O, Ogata K, Koga H, Yokoi I.
Neuroprotective effects of hydrogen gas on brain in ischemia-reperfusion model: a 31P-NMR study.
J Physiol Sci 59 (suppl 1), 371, 2009.  
0972005 proceeding Tokumaru O, Kuroki C, Ogata K, Koga H, Kitano T, Yokoi I.
Fundamental consideration of 31P-NMR study of brain energy metabolism.
J Physiol Sci 59 (suppl 1), 525, 2009.