Department of Pharmacology 
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1330001 原著 Watanabe S, De Zan T, Ishizaki T, Yasuda S, Kamijo H, Yamada D, Aoki T, Kiyonari H, Kaneko H, Shimizu R, Yamamoto M, Goshima G, Narumiya S. Loss of a Rho-regulated actin nucleator, mDia2, impairs cytokinesis during mouse fetal erythropoiesis.
Cell Rep.
5 (4), 926-932, 2013.  
1330002 原著 Toyoda Y, Shinohara R, Thumkeo D, Kamijo H, Nishimaru H, Hioki H, Kaneko T, Ishizaki T, Furuyashiki T, Narumiya S.
EphA4-dependent axon retraction and midline localization of Ephrin-B3 are disrupted in the spinal cord of mice lacking mDia1 and mDia3 in combination. Genes Cells. 18 (10), 873-885, 2013.  
1330003 原著 Watanabe S, De Zan T, Ishizaki T, Narumiya S. Citron kinase mediates transition from constriction to abscission through its coiled-coil domain. J Cell Sci. 126 (Pt8), 1773-1784, 2013.  
1330004 原著 Okamoto M, Yamaoka M, Takei M, Ando T, Taniguchi S, Ishii I, Tohya K, Ishizaki T, Niki I, Kimura T. Endogenous hydrogen sulfide protects pancreatic beta-cells from a high-fat diet-induced glucotoxicity and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 442 (3-4), 227-233, 2013.  
1330005 原著 Kimura T, Yamaoka M, Taniguchi S, Okamoto M, Takei M, Ando T, Iwamatsu A, Watanabe T, Kaibuchi K, Ishizaki T, Niki I.  Activated Cdc42-bound IQGAP1 determines the cellular endocytic site. J Mol Cell Biol. 33 (24), 4834-4843, 2013.  
1330006 原著 Yamamoto J, Sato W, Kosugi T, Yamamoto T, Kimura T, Taniguchi S, Kojima H, Maruyama S, Imai E, Matsuo S, Yuzawa Y, Niki I. Distribution of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-producing enzymes and the roles of the H2S donor sodium hydrosulfide in diabetic nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol. 17 (1), 32-40, 2013.  
1330007 総説 木村俊秀. GDP型Gタンパク質シグナリング. 生化学 85 (12), 1079-1083, 2013.  
1330008 総説 木村俊秀, 岡本光弘. 硫化水素による膵B細胞保護. DOJIN NEWS 148, 1-4, 2013.  
1330009 総説 岡本光弘, 山岡真美, 木村俊秀. 硫化水素と膵B細胞機能. 日本臨牀 71 (1), 175-180, 2013.