Department of Strategic Research Promotion
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1468001 原著
Yamada K, Noguchi K, Nishizono A. Characterization of street rabies virus variants with an additional N-glycan at position 247 in the glycoprotein. Arch Virol 159 (2), 207-216, 2014 Yamada K
1468002 原著 Yamada K, Noguchi K, Nishizono A. Efficient N-glycosylation at position 37, but not at position 146, in the street rabies virus glycoprotein reduces pathogenicity. Virus Res 179, 169-176, 2014. Yamada K