Human Anatomy  

著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correspon
1620001 原著 Miura M*,Uchino T,  Hamada Y. Morphological characteristics of the chronic lymphedema associated with lymphostasis of the extremities: Scanning electron microscopy findings. Jap. Lymphology 39(1), 9-14, 2016. Miura M
1620002 原著 Uchino T*,Miura M, Oyama Y, Matsumoto S, Shingu C, Kitano T. Lateral deviation of four types of epidural catheters from the lumbar epidural space into the intervertebral foramen. J Anesth. 30(4), 583-90, 2016.  
1620003 原著 Kume O*,Teshima AY, Abe I, Ikebe Y, Oniki T, Kondo H, Saito H, Fukui A, Yufu K, Miura M, Shimada T, Takahashi N.  Role of atrial endothelial cells in the development of atrial fibrosis and
fibrillation in response to pressure overload.
Cardiovascular Pathology 27, 18-25, 2016.  
1620004 proceeding 三浦真弘*,内野哲哉. 髄液循環における最新知見:髄液吸収は硬膜関連リンパ管系が鍵を握る. 第31回日本脊髄外科学会proceeding   74, 2016.  
1620005 proceeding Miura M*,Uchino T. Expression patterns of aquaporin in
the spinal meninges involved in
cerebrospinal fluid leak: a focus
on the relationship with meningeal
pre-lymphatic channels. 
Surg Radiol Anat. 37, 650, 2016.  
1620006 proceeding Uchino T*, Miura M, Kitano T. Superficial radial artery
encountered during puncture
of the radial artery: anatomical
Surg Radiol Anat. 39, 652, 2016.