Matrix Medicine  


著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correspo
1625001 原著 Watanabe K*,Hide M,Sasaki  T,Yoshioka H,Matsuo N. Sp1 upregulates the proximal promoteractivity of the mouse collagen α1(XT)gene(Col11a1) in chondrocytes. In vivo Cell Dev Biol-Animal 52, 235-242, 2016. Matsuo N
1625002 原著 Sasaki T*, Stoop R, Sakai T, Hess A, Deutzmann R, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Chu ML, von der Mark K. Loss of fibulin-4 results in abnormal collagen fibril assembly in bone, caused by impaired lysyl oxidase processing and collagen cross-linking. Matrix Biology 50, 53-66, 2016. Mark K
1625003 原著 Sasaki T*,Hanisch FG, Deutzmann R, Sakai LY, Sakuma T, Miyamoto T, Yamamoto T, Hannappel E, Chu ML, Lanig H, von der Mark K. Functional consequence of fibulin-4 missense mutations associated with vascular and skeletal abnormalities and cutis laxa. Matrix Biology 56, 132-149, 2016. Mark K
1625004 原著 Iwasaki A*, Sakai K, Moriya K, Sasaki T, Keene DR, Akhtar R, Miyazono T, Yasumura S, Watanabe M, Morishita S9, Sakai T. Molecular Mechanism Responsible for Fibronectin-controlled Alterations in Matrix Stiffness in Advanced Chronic Liver Fibrogenesis. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 291, 72-88, 2016. Sakai T
1625005 原著 Markova D*, Pan TC, Zhang RZ, Zhang G, Sasaki T, Arita M,, Birk DE, Chu ML. Forelimb contractures and abnormal tendon collagen fibrillogenesis in fibulin-4 null mice. Cell Tissue Res. 364, 637-646, 2016. Chu ML
1625006 原著 Khan S A*, Dong H, Joyce J, Sasaki T, Chu ML, Tsuda T. Fibulin-2 is essential for angiotensin II-induced myocardial fibrosis mediated by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. Lab Invest. 96, 773-778, 2016. Tsuda T