Molecular Pathology  


著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
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巻(号) ページ 年号 Correspo
1627001 原著 Takahashi M*, Tsukamoto Y, Kai T, Tokunaga A, Nakada C, Hijiya N, Uchida T, Daa T, Nomura T, Sato F, Mimata H, Matsuura K, Moriyama M. Downregulation of WDR20 due to loss of 14q is involved in the malignant transformation of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 107(4), 417-423, 2016. Matsuura K, Moriyama M
1627002 原著 Kai T*, Tsukamoto Y, Hijiya N, Tokunaga A, Nakada C, Uchida T, Daa T, Iha H, Takahashi M, Nomura T, Sato F, Mimata H, Ikawa M, Seto M, Matsuura K, Moriyama M. Kidney-specific knockout of Sav1 in the mouse promotes hyperproliferation of renal tubular epithelium through suppression of the Hippo pathway. J Pathol. 239(1), 97-108, 2016. Matsuura K, Moriyama M
1627003 原著 Hijiya N*, Tsukamoto Y, Nakada C, Tung Nguyen L, Kai T, Matsuura K, Shibata K, Inomata M, Uchida T, Tokunaga A, Amada K, Shirao K, Yamada Y, Mori H, Takeuchi I, Seto M, Aoki M, Takekawa M, Moriyama M. Genomic Loss of DUSP4 Contributes to the Progression of Intraepithelial Neoplasm of Pancreas to Invasive Carcinoma. Cancer Res. 76(9), 2612-2625, 2016. Moriyama M
1627004 原著 Matsumoto S*, Mori H, Kiyonaga M, Yamada Y, Takaji R, Sato F, Mimata H, Hijiya N, Moriyama M, Tanoue R, Tomonari K, Matsumoto T, Hasebe T. Perirenal lymphatic systems: Evaluation using spectral presaturation with inversion recovery T2-weighted MR images with 3D volume isotropic turbo spin-echo acquisition at 3.0T. J Magn Reson Imaging 44(4), 897-905, 2016. Matsumoto S
1627005 原著 Empuku S*, Nakajima K, Akagi T, Kaneko K, Hijiya N, Etoh T, Shiraishi N, Moriyama M, Inomata M. An 80-gene set to predict response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer by principle component analysis. Mol Clin Oncol. 4(5), 733-739, 2016. Empuku S
1627006 原著 Morishima M*, Iwata E*, Nakada C, Tsukamoto Y, Takanari H, Miyamoto S, Moriyama M, Ono K. Atrial Fibrillation-Mediated Upregulation of miR-30d Regulates Myocardial Electrical Remodeling of the G-Protein-Gated K(+) Channel, IK.ACh. Circ J. 80(6), 1346-1355, 2016. Ono K
1627007 原著 Hirashita Y*, Tsukamoto Y, Yanagihara K, Fumoto S, Hijiya N, Nakada C, Uchida T, Matsuura K, Kodama M, Okimoto T, Daa T, Seike M, Iha H, Shirao K, Murakami K, Moriyama M. Reduced phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 is associated with sensitivity to MEK inhibition in gastric cancer cells. Cancer Sci. 107(12), 1919-1928, 2016. Tsukamoto Y