Infectious Disease Control

著者名 タイトル 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 発行年
1628001 原著 Hidano S*, Randall LM, Dawson L, Dietrich HK, Konradt C, Klover PJ, John B, Harris TH, Fang Q, Turek B, Kobayashi T, Hennighausen L, Beiting DP, Koshy AA, Hunter CA. STAT1 signaling in astrocytes is essential for control of infection in the central nervous system. Mbio 7 (6). e01881-16 2016. Hunter CA
1628002 原著 Okumura R*, Kurakawa T, Nakano T, Kayama H, Kinoshita M, Motooka D, Gotoh K, Kimura T, Kamiyama N, Kusu T, Ueda Y, Wu H, Iijima H, Barman S, Osawa H, Matsuno H, Nishimura J, Ohba Y, Nakamura S, Iida T, Yamamoto M, Umemoto E, Sano K, Takeda K. Lypd8 promotes the segregation of flagellated microbiota and colonic epithelia. Nature 532 (7597), 117-121, 2016. Takeda K
1628003 原著 Srisawat R*, Phanitchat T, Komalamisra N, Tamori N, Runtuwene L, Noguchi K, Hayashida K, Hidano S, Kamiyama N, Takashima I, Takasaki T, Kurane I, Narita N,  Kobayashi T, Eshita Y.  Susceptibility of Aedes flavopictus miyarai and Aedes galloisi mosquito species in Japan to dengue type 2 virus. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 6 (5), 446-450, 2016. Srissawat R
1628004 原著 Srisawat R* ,Komalamisra N, Hidano S, Kamiyama N, Kobayashi T, Takasaki T, Kurane I, Eshita Y, Narita H. The current status of dengue fever and vector control in Thailand. 桜花学園大学学芸学部研究紀要
(Journal of the School of Liveral Arts)
7 63-76, 2016. Komalamisra N
1628005 原著 吉井 学* ,黒川憲次, 在津 誠, 三根真理子, 飛弾野真也, 神山長慶, 小林隆志, 江下優樹, 小田 力. チカイエカCulex pipiens f. molestus (Diptera: Culicidae)の雌の翅長と卵粒数に及ぼす温度と幼虫期の餌量の影響. 都市有害生物管理 6 (1), 1-7, 2016. 吉井 学
1628006 総説 江下 優樹*, Srisawat R, Runtuwene L R, 飛弾野真也, 林田京子, 大場靖子. 蚊媒介性ウイルス。 診療科別のトピックス。これからの感染症とその対策−国際化社会および2020年、東京五輪への対応. 臨床と微生物 43 (6), 701-707, 2016. 江下優樹
1628007 原著 Kalousová B*, Hasegawa H., Petrželková K J, Sakamaki T, Kooriyma T, Modrý D. Adult hookworms (Necator spp.) collected from researchers working with wild western lowland gorillas. Parasites & Vectors 9(75) 6pp. 2016. Kalousová B
1628008 症例報告 Takahashi K* ,Ito T, Sato T, Goto M, Kawamoto T, Fujinaga A, Yanagawa N, Saito Y, Nakao M, Hasegawa H, Fujiya M. Infection with fully mature Corynosoma cf. validum causes ulcers in the human small intestine. Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 9(3) 114–117.  2016. Takahashi K
1628009 原著 Hasegawa H*, Kalousova B, McLennan M R, Modry D, Profousova-Psenkova I, Shutt-Phillips K A, Todd A, Huffman M A, Petrzelkova K J. Strongyloides infections of humans and great apes in Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic and in degraded forestfragm ents in Bulindi, Uganda. Parasitology International 65(5) 367–370. 2016. Petrzelkova K J
1628010 著書 長谷川英男*, 絵でわかる寄生虫の世界 講談社サイエンティフィク   151pp. 2016. 長谷川英男
1628011 総説 Dewi K*, Hasegawa H, Asakawa M.  A review of the genus Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) from murine rodents in Southeast Asia to Australia with special reference to Indonesia. Treubia 43 79-104. 2016. Dewi K