

著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名
書名  外
巻(号) ページ 年号 Correns-ponding
1729001 原著 Minori Isomura.Kentaro Yamada, Kazuko Noguchi, Akira Nishizono Near-infrared fluorescent protein iRFP720 is optimal for in vivo fluorescence imaging of rabies virus infection Journal of General Virology 2017   2689-2698 2017.  
1729002 原著 D.L. Manalo. K. Yamada, I Watanabe, M.E.G. Miranda, S.M.D. Lapiz, E. Tapdasan, W. Petspophonsakul, S. Inoue, P. Khawplod, A. Nishizono A Comparative Study of the RAPINA and the Virus-Neutralizing Test (RFFIT) for the Estimation of Antirabies-Neutralizing Antibody Levels in Dog Samples Zoonoses and Public Health     2017.  
1729003 原著 Kimitsuki K.Yamada K, Shiwa N, Inoue S, Nishizono A, Park CH.  Pathological lesions in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of ddY mice with street rabies virus (1088 strain) J Vet Med Sci.  2017 Jun 10   2017.