コード 30  
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
1930001 原著 Katamune C, Koyanagi S, Hashikawa K, Kusunose N, Akamine, Matsunaga N, Ohdo S  Mutation of the gene encoding the circadian clock component PERIOD2 in oncogenic cells confers chemoresistance by up-regulating the Aldh3a1 gene J Biol Chem Jan11;294(2): 547-558. 2019 10.1074/jbc.RA118.
1930002 原著 Yamaoka M, Terabayashi T, Nishioka T, Kaibuchi K, Ishikawa T, Ishizaki T, Kimura T IRR is involved in glucose-induced endocytosis after insulin secretion J Pharmacol Sci
Jul;140(3):300-304. 2019 10.1016/j.jphs.2019.
1930003 原著 Kimura T, Yamaoka M, Terabayashi T, Kaibuchi K, Ishikawa T, Ishizaki T GDP-Bound Rab27a Dissociates from the Endocytic Machinery in a Phosphorylation-Dependent Manner after Insulin Secretion Biol Pharm Bull Sep;42(9):1532-1537. 2019 10.1248/bpb.b19-
1930004 原著 Kanado Y, Tsurudome Y,
Omata Y, Yasukochi S,
Kusunose N, Akamine T, Matsunaga N, Koyanagi S,
Ohdo S
Estradiol regulation of P-glycoprotein expression in mouse kidney and human tubular epithelial cells, implication for renal clearance of drugs Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Nov 12;519(3): 613-619.  2019 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.