Public Health and Epidemiology          
コード 31  
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
1931001 原著 Kobayashi Y, Kinoshita T, Matsumoto A, Yoshino K, Saito I, Xiao JZ. Bifidobacterium Breve A1 Supplementation Improved Cognitive Decline in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Open-Label, Single-Arm Study. J Prev Alz Dis 6:170-75. 2019 10.14283/jpad.2018.32
1931002 原著 Li Y, Yatsuya H, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Sawada N, Tsugane S. Body Mass Index and Risks of Incident Ischemic Stroke Subtypes: The Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective (JPHC) Study. J Epidemiol Sep 5;29(9):325-333.
2019 10.2188/jea.JE20170298
1931003 原著 Igami K, Maruyama K, Tomooka K, Ikeda A, Tabara Y, Kohara K,
Saito I, Tanigawa T.
Relationship between sleep-disordered breathing and central systolic blood pressure in a community-based population: the Toon Health Study. Hypertens Res Jul;42(7):1074-1082 2019 10.1038/s41440-019-0219-5
1931004 原著 Takabayashi A, Maruyama K, Tanno Y, Sakurai S, Eguchi E, Wada H, Shirahama R, Saito I, Tanigawa T. The association of coffee consumption and oxygen desaturation index during sleep among Japanese male workers. Sleep Breath Dec;23(4):1027-1031.
2019 10.1007/s11325-019-01815-5
1931005 原著 Hayashi R, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Yatsuya H, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Eshak ES, Sawada N, Tsugane S. Working Hours and Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Among Middle-Aged Japanese Men - The Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study Cohort II. Circ J  Apr 25;83(5):1072-1079.
2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-18-0842 
1931006 原著 Viet Vu CH, Uchino M,
Kawashima M, Yuki K, Tsubota K, Nishi A, German CA, Sakata K, Tanno K, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Yasuda N, Saito I, Kato T, Arima K, Tomita Y, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Goto A, Inoue M, Iwasaki M, Sawada N, Tsugane S.
Lack of social support and social trust as potential risk factors for dry eye disease: JPHC-NEXT study. Ocul Surf Apr;17(2):278-284. 2019 10.1016/j.jtos.2019.01.005 
1931007 原著 Nishioka S, Maruyama K, Tanigawa T, Miyoshi N, Eguchi E, Nishida W, Osawa H, Saito I*. Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity among individuals with borderline diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. J Dent  Jun;85:18-24.  2019 10.1016/j.jdent.2019.04.005
1931008 原著 Murai U, Yamagishi K, Sata M, Kokubo Y, Saito I, Yatsuya H, Ishihara J, Inoue M, Sawada N,
Iso H, Tsugane S.
Seaweed intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective (JPHC) Study. Am J Clin Nutr  Dec 1;110(6):1449-1455.
2019 10.1093/ajcn/nqz231
1931009 原著 Kinoshita T, Maruyama K,
Suyama K, Nishijima M,
Akamatsu K, Jogamoto A, Katakami K, Saito I.
The effects of OLL1073R-1 yogurt intake on influenza incidence and immunological markers among women's healthcare workers: a randomized controlled trial. Food & Function  Dec 11;10(12):8129-8136.
2019 10.1039/c9fo02128k.
1931010 その他  Saito I. Is working at a small company a component of “the status syndrome” in Japan? Circ J  Jun 25;83(7):1441-1442.
2019 10.1253/circj.CJ-19-0442
1931011 原著 Goto R, Tanigawa T, Maruyama K, Tomooka K, Eguchi E, Osawa H, Saito I. Associations of snoring frequency with blood pressure among the lean Japanese population: the Toon Health Study. J Hum Hypertens   Epub 2019 Jan 8.
2019 10.1038/s41371-018-0148-9