コード 61
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
1961001 原著 Gendo Y, Matsumoto T,
Kamiyama N, Saechue B,
Fukuda C, Dewayani A, Hidano S, Noguchi K, Sonoda A, Ozaki T, Sachi N, Hirose H, Ozaka S,
Eshita Y, Mizukami K, Okimoto T, Kodama M, Yoshimatsu T,
Nishida H, Daa T, Yamaoka Y, Murakami K, Kobayashi T
Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiota on the Inflammatory Background due to Lack of Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling-1 in Mice Inflamm Intest Dis. 3(3), 145-154. 2019 10.1159/000495462. 
1961002 原著 Mizukami K, Matsunari O,
Ogawa R, Hirashita Y, Okamoto K, Fukuda K, Sonoda A, Akiyama H, Ozaka S, Kawahara Y, Okimoto T, Kodama M, Murakami K.
Examine the Availability and Safety of Mucosal Cutting Biopsy Technique for Diagnosis of Gastric Submucosal Tumor. Gastroenterol Res Pract May 2:3121695.  2019 10.1155/2019/3121695.
1961003 原著 Fukuda M, Ishigaki H, Sugimoto M, Mukaisho K, Matsubara A,
Ishida H, Moritani S, Itoh Y, Sugihara H, Andoh A,
Ogasawara K, Murakami K, Kushima R.
Histological analysis of fundic gland polyps secondary to PPI therapy. Histopathology.  Oct;75(4):537-545.  2019 10.1111/his.13902
1961004 原著 Kawahara Y, Kodama M, Mizukami K, Saito T, Hirashita Y, Sonoda A, Fukuda K, Matsunari O, Okamoto K, Ogawa R, Okimoto T, Murakami K.  Endoscopic gastric mucosal atrophy as a predictor of colorectal polyps: a large scale case-control study Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. Sep;65(2):153-159.  2019 10.3164/jcbn.19-47.
1961005 原著 Kodama M, Okimoto T,
Mizukami K, Fukuda K, Ogawa R, Okamoto K, Matsunari O, Kawahara Y, Hirashita Y, Murakami K. 
Differences in Helicobacter pylori and CagA antibody changes after eradication between subjects developing and not developing gastric Evalution. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr, Jul ;65(1), 71-75. 2019 10.3164/jcbn.19-30.
1961006 原著 Kodama M, Okimoto T,
Mizukami K, Fukuda K, Ogawa R, Okamoto K, Matsunari O, Wada Y, Hirashita Y, Murakami K.
Evaluation of a Novel Anti-H. pylori Antibody Detection Kit by Latex Turbidimetric Immunoassay. Clin Lab. Jun 1;65(6). 2019 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2018.180918.
1961007 原著 Ansari S, Akada J, Matsuo Y, Shiota S, Kudo Y, Okimoto T, Murakami K, Yamaoka Y. Epitope peptides of Helicobacter pylori CagA antibodies from sera by whole-peptide mapping. J Gastroenterol. Dec; 54(12):1039-1051. 2019 10.1007/s00535-019-01584-8.
1961008 原著 Fukuda M, Ishigaki H, Sugimoto M, Mukaisho K, Matsubara A,
Ishida H, Moritani S, Itoh Y, Sugihara H, Andoh A,
Ogasawara K, Murakami K, Kushima R.
Histological analysis of fundic gland polyps secondary to PPI therapy Histropathology Oct, 75(4), 537-545. 2019 10.1111/his.13902
1961009 症例報告 木下慶亮、園田光、福地聡士、
急性膵炎にて発症した十二指腸原発濾胞性悪性リンパ腫の1 Gastrotenterological Endoscopy Vol.61(8).1576-1581, Aug 2019  
1961010 総説 村上和成 V消化管疾患 B. 胃・十二指腸 
消化器疾患 最新の治療 2019-2020,   2019-2020, 129-132. 2019  
1961011 総説 村上和成 H.pylori除菌治療の現状と展望 The GI Forefront 14(2), 23, 2019.3 2019  
1961012 総説 清家正隆 NAFLD/NASH メタボリック症候群の肝病変として・肝疾患の予後 カレントテラピー 37(1), 78-83, 2019 2019  
1961013 総説 沖本忠義、村上和成 高齢者に対するヘリコバクター・ピロリ除菌 Geriatric Medicine 〈老年医学) 57(6), 557-560. 2019  
1961014 総説 村上和成 腸内細菌の検査法 内科学書(改訂第9版)(南学正臣編、中山書店、日本) vol.4, 77-78. 2019  
1961015 総説 遠藤美月、清家正隆 糖尿病合併NAFLD/NASH診療糖尿病内科と肝臓内科の連携_肝臓内科のサイドから_ 肝臓クリニカルアップデート Vol.5 (2)183-187. 2019  
1961016 総説 兒玉雅明、村上和成 胃がんとピロリ菌感染 胃がんリスク層別化健診 (ABC健診) 第1  (三木一正編、南山堂、日本) 1. 2019  
1961017 総説 赤田純子、Tshibangu Evariste Kabamba、内田智久、沖本忠義、

ラテックス凝集免疫比濁法によるアジア7か国のH. pylori血清抗体価の比較解析 日本ヘリコバクター学会誌 20(2), 71-73. 2019  
1961018 総説 清家正隆  肝性脳症治療の最近の考え方 非吸収性合成二糖類(解説/特集) 肝・胆・膵  vol.78(3) 385-389, Mar. 2019  
1961019 総説 和田 康宏、九嶋 亮治 胃 胃癌 菅野・中村の分類(解説/特集) 胃と腸  vol.54(5) 650-651, May. 2019  
1961020 総説 兒玉雅明、沖本忠義、水上一弘、
小川 竜、岡本和久、村上和成
除菌後胃粘膜所見の経時的変化 臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34,No13(5). 2019  
1961021 総説 堤康志郎 十二指腸非上皮性腫瘍 別冊日本臨牀. 領域別症候群シリーズ 特集 消化管症候群  (日本臨牀社 []、日本) 3(I)438-441. 2019  
1961022 総説 沖本忠義 十二指腸潰瘍 別冊日本臨牀. 領域別症候群シリーズ 特集 消化管症候群  (日本臨牀社 []、日本) 3(I)401-404. 2019  
1961023 Proceedings KodamaM, Okimoto T,
Mizukami K, Ogawa R,
Okamoto K, Matsunari O,
Fukuda K, Murakami K
Differences of Gastric Cancer Characteristics Between With and Without Helicobacter pylori Eradication Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 (132) 2019  
1961024 Proceedings Kawahara Y, Kodama M, Mizukami K, Saito T, Hirashita Y, Sonoda A, Fukuda K, Matsunari O, Okamoto K, Ogawa R, Okimoto T, Murakami K. Helicobacter pylori Infection Increases the Risk of Colorectal Polyps: A Large Scale Case-Control Study Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2019 - Volume 114 - Issue - p S144 2019  
1961025 Proceedings Fukuda M, Ishigaki H, Sugimot M, Mizukami K, Ueo T, Abe H,
Andoh A, Kushima R,
Murakami K
The morphological changes of fundic gland polyps after PPI therapy Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 2019  
1961026 Proceedings Honda K, Seike M, Saito T, Iwao M, Tokoro M, Arakawa M, Endo M, Murakami K. Long-term changes in body composition after interferon-free therapy for hepatitis C.  American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 2019  
1961027 Proceedings Tokoro M, Seike M, Saito T,
Iwao M, Arakawa M, Endo M,
Honda K, Murakami K
The Impact of drinking habits and ALDH2 polymorphisms as a risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in light consumers of alcohol. American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 (219A) 2019  
1961028 Proceedings Okimoto T Long-term follow up of endoscopic/histological atrophy, serum pepsinogen level and helicobacter pylori antibody level after eradication Digestive Disease Week 2019 Digestive Disease Week 2019 2019  
1961029 Proceedings KodamaM, Okimoto T,
Mizukami K, Ogawa R,
Okamoto K, Matsunari O,
Fukuda K, Murakami K
Differences of Gastric Cancer Characteristics Between With and Without Helicobacter pylori Eradication Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 (132) 2019  
1961030 Proceedings Kawahara Y, Kodama M, Mizukami K, Saito T, Hirashita Y, Sonoda A, Fukuda K, Matsunari O, Okamoto K, Ogawa R, Okimoto T, Murakami K. Helicobacter pylori Infection Increases the Risk of Colorectal Polyps: A Large Scale Case-Control Study Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2019 - Volume 114 - Issue - p S144 2019  
1961031 Proceedings Fukuda M, Ishigaki H, Sugimot M, Mizukami K, Ueo T, Abe H,
Andoh A, Kushima R,
Murakami K
The morphological changes of fundic gland polyps after PPI therapy Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 Annual Meeting of American College of Gastroenterology 2019 2019  
1961032 Proceedings Honda K, Seike M, Saito T,
 Iwao M, Tokoro M, Arakawa M, Endo M, Murakami K.
Long-term changes in body composition after interferon-free therapy for hepatitis C.  American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 2019  
1961033 Proceedings Tokoro M, Seike M, Saito T,
Iwao M, Arakawa M, Endo M,
Honda K, Murakami K
The Impact of drinking habits and ALDH2 polymorphisms as a risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in light consumers of alcohol. American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 American Association for The Study of Liver Deseases - The Liver Meeting 2019 (219A) 2019  
1961034 Proceedings Okimoto T Long-term follow up of endoscopic/histological atrophy, serum pepsinogen level and helicobacter pylori antibody level after eradication Digestive Disease Week 2019 Digestive Disease Week 2019 2019