コード 91
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
1991001 原著 Tanaka R, Suzuki Y, Goto K, Yasuda N, Koga H, Kai S, Ohchi Y, Sato Y, Kitano T, Itoh H. Development and validation of sensitive and selective quantification of total and free daptomycin in human plasma using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. J Pharm Biomed Anal Feb 20;165:56-64. 2019 10.1016/j.jpba.2018.11.047.
1991002 原著 Suzuki Y, Ono H, Tanaka R, Sato F, Sato Y, Ohno K, Mimata H, Itoh H. Recovery of OATP1B Activity after Living Kidney Transplantation in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease. Pharm Res Feb 26;36(4):59. 2019 10.1007/s11095-019-2593-8.
1991003 原著 Suzuki Y, Muraya N, Fujioka T, Sato F, Tanaka R, Matsumoto K, Sato Y, Ohno K, Mimata H,
Kishino S, Itoh H.
Factors involved in phenoconversion of CYP3A using 4β-hydroxycholesterol in stable kidney transplant recipients. Pharmacol Rep Apr;71(2):276-281. 2019 10.1016/j.pharep.2018.12.007.
1991004 原著 佐藤雄己、龍田涼佑、中原良介、
不眠症治療薬の種類および服用量と転倒率との関連性 診療と新薬 56(8), 576-581. 2019  
1991005 原著 Ono H, Suzuki Y, Kaneko T,
Tanaka R, Sato F, Sato Y,
Mimata H, Itoh H.
High-sensitivity simultaneous quantification of tacrolimus and 13-O-demethyl tacrolimus in human whole blood using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr Sep;33(9):e4584. 2019 10.1002/bmc.4584.
1991006 原著 Eto D, Tanaka R, Suzuki Y, Sato Y, Itoh H. Comparison of performance characteristics between high-performance liquid chromatography and latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay for therapeutic drug monitoring of zonisamide. J Clin Lab Anal Sep;33(7):e22940. 2019 10.1002/jcla.22940.
1991007 症例報告 Nakahara R, Sumimoto T, Ogata M, Sato Y, Itoh H. Successful determination of nilotinib dosage by therapeutic drug monitoring in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia developing hepatic dysfunction: A case report. Clin Case Rep Jun 14;7(7):1419-1421. 2019 10.1002/ccr3.2191. eCollection
2019 Jul.
1991008 総説 Sato Y, Suzuki Y, Tanaka R,
Kaneko T, Itoh H.
[Clinical Approach to Individualization of Antimicrobial Therapy Based on Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring]. Yakugaku Zasshi 139(6):917-922. 2019 10.1248/yakushi.18-00213-3.
1991009 著書 津下遥香、田中遼大、伊東弘樹 シスタチンCの有用性とピットフォール 月刊薬事 Vol.61 No.13 Page 47-51. 2019  
1991010 Proceedings 白岩 健. 大分大学医学部附属病院における経口抗がん剤の血漿中濃度測定およびその臨床応用(シンポジウム) 36回日本TDM学会・学術大会(東京) Vol.36 No.2 Page 76. 2019  
1991011 Proceedings 甲斐真己都、 田中遼大、 鈴木陽介、
UPLC-MS/MSを用いた集中治療部使用広域抗菌・抗真菌薬の同時測定法の確立 36回日本TDM学会・学術大会(東京) Vol.36 No.2 Page 148. 2019  
1991012 Proceedings 末繁嘉朗、白岩 健、田中遼大、
, 村上和成、伊東弘樹.
UPLC-MS/MSを用いたハイスループットかつ高感度なレンバチニブ定量法の開発 36回日本TDM学会・学術大会(東京) Vol.36 No.2 Page 161. 2019  
1991013 Proceedings Tatsuta R, Suzuki Y, Suzuki K,
Sato Y, Shibata T, Itoh H.
Relationship between digestive function abnormality and blood levels of gastrointestinal peptides in patients receiving anticancer agents combined with aprepitant. THE 14th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Stockholm, Sweden)   2019  
1991014 Proceedings Kai M, Tanaka R, Suzuki Y, Goto K, Ohchi Y, Koga H, Yasuda N, Sato Y, Kitano T, Itoh H. Simultaneous quantification of plasma levels of 12 antimicrobial agents used in intensive care unit using UPLC-MS/MS method. The 17th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology (Foz do Iguassu, Brazil)   2019  
1991015 Proceedings Suzuki Y, Ono H, Tanaka R, Sato F, Sato Y, Ohno K, Mimata H, Itoh H. Significant decrease in plasma concentrations of coproporphyrin-I, a specific endogenous OATP1B probe, after living kidney transplantation in patients with end-stage renal disease. The 17th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology   2019  
1991016 Proceedings 岩男元志、田中遼大、鈴木陽介、
中田 健、佐藤雄己、 青木宏平、
血圧コントロール不良な慢性腎不全患者におけるMR-proADM濃度と降圧治療抵抗性との関連性に関する検討 臨床薬理 Vol.50, Suppl 2019  
1991017 その他 甲斐真己都 優秀演題賞を受賞して TDM研究 36(4), 181-185. 2019