Biomedical Chemistry
コード 08  
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
2008001 原著 Shimoda K, Kubota N, Uesugi D, Kobayashi Y, Hamada H, Hamada H.* Glycosylation of stilbene compounds by cultured plant cells. Molecules 25(6), 1-8. 2020  
2008002 原著 Hamada H*, Yanagi M, Shimoda K, Uchida N. Water-soluble glycosylated resveratrol for measuring residual dipolar coupling in NMR. Nat Prod Commun 15(8), 1-7. 2020  
2008003 原著 Uchida N, Yanagi M, Shimoda K,
Hamada H.*
Transdermal delivery of small-sized resveratrol nanoparticles to epidermis using anionic phospholipids. Nat Prod Commun 15(9), 1-5. 2020  
2008004 原著 Hamada H*, Nakayama T, Shimoda K, Matsuura N, Hamada H, Iwaki T, Kiriake Y. Curcumin oligosaccharides (gluco-oligosaccharides) penetrate the blood-brain barrier in mouse brain: glycoside (polysaccharide) modification approach for brain drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier and tumor drug delivery. Nat Prod Commun 15(11), 1-4. 2020  
2008005 原著 Nakanishi I, Ohkubo K, Shoji Y, Fujitaka Y, Shimoda K, Matsumoto K, Fukuhara K, Hamada H.* Relationship between the radical-scavenging activity of selected flavonols and thermodynamic parameters calculated by density functional theory. Free Radic Res 54(7), 534-539. 2020