コード 42
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
2042001 原著 Abe K, Shang J, Shi X, Yamashita T, Hishikawa N, Takemoto M, Morihara R,
Nakano Y, Ohta Y, Deguchi K, Ikeda M, Ikeda Y, Okamoto K, Shoji M,
Takatama M, Kojo M, Kuroda T, Ono K, Kimura N, Matsubara E, Osakada Y, Wakutani Y, Takao Y, Higashi Y, Asada K, Senga T, Lee LJ, Tanaka K.

A New Serum Biomarker Set to
Detect Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease by Peptidome

J Alzheimers Dis 73(1):217-227. 2020 10.3233/JAD-191016.
2042002 原著 Inoue M, Hada K, Shiraishi H, Yatsuka H, Fujinami H, Morisaki I, Nishida Y,
Matsubara E, Ishitani T, Hanada R, Matsumoto M, Penninger JM, Ihara K, Hanada T.
Tyrosine pre-transfer RNA fragments are linked to p53-dependent neuronal cell
death via PKM2.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 7;525(3):726-732. 2020 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.02.157.
2042003 原著 Kimura N, Aso Y, Yabuuchi K, Ishibashi M, Hori D, Sasaki Y, Nakamichi A,
Uesugi S, Jikumaru M, Sumi K, Eguchi A, Obara H, Kakuma T, Matsubara E.
Association of Modifiable Lifestyle Factors With Cortical Amyloid Burden and
Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment.
JAMA Netw Open Jun 1;3(6):e205719 2020 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.5719.
2042004 症例報告 Ataka T, Kimura N, Matsubara E. A case of myelin oligodendrocyte
glycoprotein-antibody-associated disease presenting with tumefactive
demyelinating lesion.

Mult Scler Relat Disord. Aug;43:102191 2020 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102191.
2042005 原著 Kimura N, Aikawa M, Etou K, Aso Y, Matsubara E. Association between Matrix
Metalloproteinases, Their Tissue Inhibitor and White Matter Lesions in Mild
Cognitive Impairment.
Curr Alzheimer Res 17(6):547-555. 2020 10.2174/1567205017666200810171322.
2042006 総説 Nakane S, Mizoguchi K, Abe K, Atsuta N, Iguchi Y, Ikeda Y, Kaji R, Kamei S, Kitagawa K, Kimura K, Suzuki M, Takashima H, Terayama Y, Nishiyama K, Furuya H, Matsubara E, Muramatsu SI, Yamamura O, Takeda A, Ito H. Role of the liaison officer in disaster countermeasures implemented by the Japanese Society of Neurology: Hope for the best and prepare for the worst Rinsho Shinkeigaku Oct 24;60(10):643-652. 2020 10.5692/clinicalneurol.cn-001493.
2042007 原著 Ataka T, Kimura N, Mizukami K,
Uchida H, Matsubara E.
 Association of Cerebrospinal Fluid Adiponectin Levels With Cerebral Glucose Metabolism In Mild Cognitive Impairment:A Pilot Study.
Curr Alzheimer Res Nov 9. 17(12):1126-1132. 2020 10.2174/1567205017666201109150358.
2042008 原著 Kimura N, Aso Y, Yabuuchi K,
Matsubara E.
Association between objectively
measured walking steps and sleep in community-dwelling older adults: A
prospective cohort study.
PLoS One Dec 14;15(12):
2020 10.1371/journal.pone.0243910.
2042009 総説 松原悦朗 「認知症診療の新展開」認知症の予防戦略(解説/特集) 日本内科学会雑誌 109(8):1552-1557. 2020  
2042010 総説 松原 悦朗 治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療 軽度認知障害(MCI), 日本医事新報 5015, 46-47. 2020  
2042011 総説 木村 成志
運動と認知症(解説/特集) 最新精神医学  (1342-4300)255 Page383-391
2042012 総説 木村 成志
【疾病・障害・生活の疑問をズバリ解決&フカボリ解説 脳卒中看護 3年目の教科書】(5)回復期リハビリテーション 記憶障害(Q&A/特集) Brain Nursing  (0910-8459)2020夏季増刊 Page145-156