Hospital Infection Control Center          
コード 83
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 タイトル・題名 雑誌名、書名 巻、ページ 発行年 DOI
2083001 症例報告 Hashimoto T, Ando M, Watanabe E, Kadota JI. Mediastinal cyst infection followed by bacteremia due to Streptococcus anginosus after endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration.  Ann Thorac Med. Apr-Jun; 15(2): 95–97. 2020 10.4103/atm.ATM_42_20.  
2083002 原著 Hashimoto T, Komiya K, Fujita N, Usagawa Y, Yamasue M, Umeki K,
Ando M, Nureki SI, Hiramatsu K,
Kadota JI.
Risk factors for 30-day mortality among patients with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteraemia. Infect Dis (Lond). Mar 3:1-3. 2020 10.1080/23744235.2020.1734653.