整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 論文タイトル 誌名・書名等 巻号ページ doi
2143001 著書 寺尾 岳,  牧野麻友 抗不安薬 PocketDrugs2021, 小松康宏・渡邉裕司,
12-13. 2021  
2143002 著書 寺尾 岳 双極性障害の治療 専門医のための臨床精神神経薬理学テキスト, 下田和孝・古郡規雄,

289-300. 2021  
2143003 原著 Bhagwat N, Barry A, Dickie EW, Brown ST, Devenyi GA, Hatano K, DuPre E, Dagher A, Chakravarty M, Greenwood CMT, Misic B,
Kennedy DN, Poline JB.

Understanding the impact of preprocessing pipelines on neuroimaging cortical surface analyses. Gigascience. 10(1). 2021 10.1093/gigascience/giaa155  
2143004 原著 Kawano N, Terao T, Sakai A, Akase M, Hatano K, Shirahama M, Hirakawa H, Kohno K, Ishii N.  Maternal overprotection predicts consistent improvement of self-compassion during mindfulness-based intervention and existential approach:
a secondary analysis of the EXMIND study.
BMC Psychol. 9(1):20. 2021 10.1186/s40359-021-00521-w  
2143005 原著 Kugimiya T, Ishii N, Kohno K, Kanehisa M, Hatano K, Hirakawa H, Terao T. Lithium in drinking water and suicide prevention: The largest nationwide epidemiological study from Japan.
Bipolar Disord 23(1):33-40. 2021 10.1111/bdi.12983 
2143006 原著 Hoaki Y, Terao T. Frequency of Participation in a Return-to-Work Program Predicts Successful Work Restoration but Not Maintenance.

Front Psychiatry. 12:620520. 2021 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.620520
2143007 原著 Hirakawa H, Terao T, Hatano K, Shirahama M, Kugimiya T, Kohno K, Ishii N, Matsuta H, Shimomura T, Fujiki M. Increase in the left hippocampal dentate gyrus head volume after a 4-week bright light exposure in healthy participants: A randomized controlled study.
 J Psychiatr Res. 145:1-5.
2021 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.11.009
2143008 原著 寺尾 岳 「別府観光の父」と呼ばれた油屋熊八
日本病跡学会雑誌 101:7-19. 2021  
2143009 原著 寺尾 岳 油屋熊八・補遺
日本病跡学会雑誌 102:4-10. 2021  
2143010 症例報告 Hirakawa H, Terao T, Muronaga M, Ishii N. A case of clozapine-induced creatine kinase elevation after initiation of clozapine with successful continuation.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 55(6):633. 2021 10.1177/0004867420951619   
2143011 症例報告 Hirakawa H, Terao T, Ishii N, Sakai A, Yamashita H, Kawatani M, Namba S, Goto C. Thought Process Evolved From Rigid to Flexible in a Patient With Bipolar Disorder Via "Return to Work Program": A Case Report.
J Nerv Ment Dis 209(8):609-611. 2021 10.1097/NMD.0000000000001353  
2143012 症例報告 Kamei S, Tanaka R, Hirakawa H,
Iwao M, Kawanaka R, Tatsuta R,
Terao T, Itoh H.
A case of improvement of clozapine-induced low leukocyte counts by adenine, cepharanthin and ninjin-yoei-to in a patient with treatment-resistant schizophrenia.

 J Pharm Health Care Sci. 7(1):45. 2021 10.1186/s40780-021-00227-6
2143013 症例報告 Hirakawa H, Terao T. Impact of climate factors, especially temperature and relative humidity on mood fluctuations in bipolar spectrum disorder.

Bipolar Disord. Online ahead of print 2021 10.1111/bdi.13161
2143014 総説 Ishii N, Terao T, Hirakawa H. The Present State of Lithium for the Prevention of Dementia Related to Alzheimer's Dementia in Clinical and Epidemiological Studies: A Critical Review.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(15)7756. 2021 10.3390/ijerph18157756   
2143015 総説 Terao T. Neglected but not negligible aspects of antidepressants and their availability in bipolar depression.
Brain Behav 11(8)e2308.
2021 10.1002/brb3.2308  
2143016 総説 寺尾 岳 さまざまな対応高齢者の双極性障害
精神科Resident 2(1):38-40. 2021  
2143017 総説 寺尾 岳 Charles Bonnet症候群の幻覚
脳神経内科 9(3):339-344. 2021  
2143018 総説 寺尾 岳 ADHDと双極性障害の併存
臨床精神医学 50(4):345-351. 2021  
2143019 総説 石井啓義,  平川博文 10鎮静薬,睡眠薬,抗不安薬使用による認知症
精神科治療学 36:228-229. 2021  
2143020 総説 寺尾 岳 双極性障害の治療 精神医学 63(11):1597-1604.
2143021 その他 Terao T. Dampening antidepressant effects via 5-HT 1A auto-receptors.

Acta Psychiatr Scand 143(1):94-95. 2021 10.1111/acps.13244
2143022 その他 Ishii N, Terao T, Hirakawa H. Association between trace levels of lithium in drinking water and COVID-19-associated mortality.
Bipolar Disord 23(1):100. 2021 10.1111/bdi.12991 
2143023 その他 Hirakawa H, Ishii N. Did Ian Curtis have bipolar disorder? Bipolar Disord 23(2):215. 2021 10.1111/bdi.13028  
2143024 その他 Hirakawa H, Ishii N. Association between mental illness and COVID-19 in South Korea.

Lancet Psychiatry 8(4):270-271. 2021 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30539-3  
2143025 その他 Terao T. Antidepressant Effects of Combined Mood Stabilizers May Account for High Placebo Response Rates.
J Clin Psychiatry. 82(4):21lr13919. 2021 10.4088/JCP.21lr13919   
2143026 その他 Terao T, Hori H, Buntrock C. Editorial: How to Help Employees Returning to Work Following Depression.
Front Psychiatry.  12:714589. 2021 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.714589
2143027 その他 Hirakawa H, Kugimiya T, Ishii N, Terao T. Body mass index, affective temperament and bipolar spectrum disorder.
J Affect Disord.  295:3-4. 2021 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.003
2143028 その他 Terao T.  Should medications with little or no efficacy be prescribed when treating bipolar disorder?
Bipolar Disord.  23(8):832-833. 2021 10.1+A1:H31111/bdi.13141