Cardiovascular Surgery
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 論文タイトル 誌名・書名等 巻号ページ doi
2184001 著書 宮本伸二
大動脈疾患の手術-慢性B型大動脈解離に対するTEVAR 心臓血管外科手術エクセレンス4.大動脈疾患の手術
裕、坂本喜三郎、高梨秀一郎、坂東 興、夜久 均、中山書店 
2184002 原著 Kawashima T, Okamoto K, Wada T, Shuto T, Umeno T, Miyamoto S.
Femoral artery anatomy is a risk factor for limb ischemia in minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
692:246-253 2021 10.1007/s11748-020-01442-y
2184003 症例報告 宮本伸二, 首藤敬史, 和田朋之,     和樹,
岡本啓太郎, 溝口貴之, 小田款文
502:110-113 2021  
2184004 原著 Okamoto K, Umeno T, Shuto T,
Wada T, Anai H, Nishida H,
Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.
Three-month outcomes of aortic valve reconstruction using collagenous membranes (biosheets) produced by in-body tissue architecture in a goat model: a preliminary study.

BMC Cardiovasc Disord
2021 10.1186/s12872-021-01988-6
2184005 著書 本郷哲央,  宮本伸二

(監修)吉川公彦,  荒井保明,  
,  市橋成夫
384-390 2021  
2184006 原著 Kawashima T,Umeno T, Terazawa T, Wada T, Shuto T, Nishida H,
Anai H, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.
Aortic valve neocuspidization with in-body tissue-engineered autologous membranes: preliminary results in a long-term goat model. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 32(6):969-977 2021 10.1093/icvts/ivab015
2184007 症例報告 Uchida K, Shuto T, Wada T,
Tanaka  H, Miyamoto S.
Various Neurological Symptoms Associated with Infected Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysm: A Case Report. Ann Vasc Dis
14(2):188-191 2021 10.3400/avd.cr.21-00013
2184008 症例報告 Takebayashi S, Yoshikawa Y, Morita M, Nagashima R, Nakazono Y,
Miyamoto S.
Myasthenic crisis appearing after resection of intracardiac ectopic thymoma with superior vena cava syndrome.
Surg Case Rep
144 2021 10.1186/s40792-021-01233-4
2184009 症例報告 溝口貴之, 小田定款,荒倉真凪, 内田直樹,
源田卓郎, 宮本伸二
ツーステージタイプ大腿静脈脱血カニューレの圧力変化に伴うサイドホール脱血量の変化の実験的検討 日本体外循環技術医学会
48(2):55-61 2021  
2184010 原著 Castillero E, Howsmon D, Rego B, Keeney S, Driesbaugh K,
Kawashima T, Xue Y, Camillo C, George I, Gorman R, Gorman J,
Sacks M, Levy  R,  Ferrar G.
Altered Responsiveness to TGFβ and BMP and Increased CD45+ Cell Presence in Mitral Valves Are Unique Features of Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
2021 10.1016/j.echo.2013.06.014
2184011 原著 Yoshimura K, Hamamoto H, Abe T, Itai N, Uehara S, Tsusue T, Tahara S, Iwasaka H, Sato H, Miyamoto S.
Which factors have a great impact on coagulopathy and hemostatic
impairment after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiovascular surgery?
An analysis based on rotational thromboelastometry.
Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 70(3):230-238 2021 10.1007/s11748-021-01688-0
2184012 症例報告 小島丈典, 宮本伸二, 首藤敬史,
岡本啓太郎, 川野まどか, 和田朋之.
腕頭動脈破裂を来たしたStanfordA型急性大動脈解離の1 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌
2184013 症例報告 田島隆弘,   秀則,山哲志, 岡本啓太郎,
内田かおる, 宮本伸二.
2184014 症例報告 Tanabe Y, Shuto T, Kamei N, Hongo N, Miyamoto S.

A Case of Delayed-Onset Paraplegia at 7 Days After Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair.
Ann clin med case rep
2184015 症例報告 Umeno T, Ohki S, Yasuhara K, Obayashi T.
Total Endovascular Repair with Chimney Grafts for Distal Stent
Graftinduced New Entry After Type B Aortic Dissection.
Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg
8(6) :185-187
2021 10.4103/ijves.ijves_50_21
2184016 原著 Nakayama Y, Higashita R, Shiraishi Y, Umeno T, Tajikawa T, Yamada A,
Mori K, Miyazak M, Ohara M, Iwai R,
Terazawa T, Oie T, Yambe T,
Miyamoto S.

iBTA-Induced Biotube® Blood Vessels: 2020 Update
Kidney Dial
2021 org/10.3390/kidneydial1010002