Human Anatomy
整理番号 論文の種類 著者名 論文タイトル 誌名、書名等 巻号ページ doi
2220001 原著 Dong X, Chiba S,
Shimada T, Hamada F
A Statistical Evaluation of
Uncoupling Protein 1 in the Limited
Area of Brown Adipose Tissue by
Immunoelectron Microscopy
Computational Chemistry 10, 121-137 2022 10.4236/cc.2022.103006
2220002 原著 Uchino T, Miura M,
Matsumoto S, Shingu C,
Shin T, Tomonari K,
Kitano T
Comparison of three obturator nerve block techniques for injectate spread into the obturator canal: A randomized controlled trial. J.Anesthesia 36,383-389 2022  
2220003 総説 Yonemura Y, Ishibashi H,
Mizumoto A, Tukiyama G,
Liu Y, Wakama S, Sako S,
Takao N, Kitai T, Katayama
K, Kamada Y,Taniguchi K,
Fujimoto D, Endou Y,
Miura M
The Development of Peritoneal Metastasis from Gastric Cancer and Rationale of Treatment According to the Mechanism J. Clin. Med 11(2)1-25 2022  
2220004 総説 三浦真弘,内野哲哉,
最新のNeurofluidの吸収機序 -
extravascular fluid pathwaysと髄膜
自律神経 59 (1)110-124 2022