千葉政一                          ☝日常診療に役立つ医学情報

  1. Dong X, Chiba S,Shimada T, Hamada F: A Statistical Evaluation of Uncoupling Protein 1 in the Limited Area of Brown Adipose Tissue by Immunoelectron Microscopy. Computational Chemistry 10, 121-137, 2022.
  2. 酒井久美子、千葉政一、西内美香、駒井三千夫: 亜鉛を軸にした新しい代謝経路の解析方法. Medical Science Digest
  3. Yan Q, Ina K, Chiba S, Wei H, Tatsukawa S,Fujikura Y.: The signal pathway for the repressive effect of dipyridamole on myofibroblast transdifferentiation. J Cell Mole Med. 23(2),1608-1612, 2019.
  4. Ando H, Gotoh K, Fujiwara K, Anai M, Chiba S, Masaki T, Kakuma T, Shibata H: Glucagon-like peptide-1 reduces pancreatic beta-cell mass through hypothalamic neural pathways in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Sci Rep 7:5578, 2017.
  5. 千葉政一基礎医学研究の今肥満研究 68(2):130-131, 2017.
  6. 千葉政一、森脇千夏伊奈啓輔、藤倉義久摂食と肥満における視床下部神経ヒスタミンの役割:創薬へ向けて。日本薬理学会雑誌 147:1-8, 2016 .
  7. 大隈まり千葉政一中原 成浩脳神経外科治療と食行動異常を伴う代謝性疾患群 (それぞれの診療科における肥満症の問題点) . 日本肥満学会誌 21(3), 149-154, 2015 .
  8. Yan Q, Ina K, Chiba S, Wei H, Tatsukawa S, Fujikura YThe signal pathway for the repressive effect of dipyridamole on myofibroblast transdifferentiation. JCell Mole Med  in press
  9. Ando H, Gotoh K, Fujiwara K, Anai M, Chiba S, Masaki T, Kakuma T, Shibata H: Glucagon-like peptide-1 reduces pancreatic beta-cell mass through hypothalamic neural pathways in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. Sci Rep 7:5578, 2017.
  10. 佐藤文憲、安藤忠助、澁谷忠正、佐藤竜太、秦 聡孝、森 健一、野村威雄、三股浩光、正木孝幸、後藤孔郎、千葉政一、柴田洋孝:当科における生体腎移植ドナーのbody mass indexと周術期成績に関する検討 (シンポジウム 腎移植,更なる成績の向上のために.技術の進歩と応用によるハイリスク症例への対応) 。西日本泌尿器科 (The Nishinihon journal of urology)78(6):277-283, 2016.
  11. Aosa T, Chiba S, Kitamura H, Ina K, Tatsukawa S, Moriwaki C, Wei H, Gotoh K, Masaki T, Kakuma T, Shibata H, Fujikura Y: Pore alterations of the endothelial lining of rat fenestrated intestinal capillaries exposed to acute stress. Histol. Histopathol. 31(7):807-817, 2016.
  12. Moriwaki C, Chiba S, Wei H, Aosa T, Kitamura H, Ina K, Shibata H, Fujikura Y: Distribution of histaminergic neuronal cluster in the rat and mouse hypothalamus.J Chem Neuroanat 68:1-13, 2015.
  13. Wei H, Chiba S, Moriwaki C, Kitamura H, Ina K, Aosa T, Tomonari K, Gotoh K, Masaki T, Katsuragi I, Noguchi H, Kakuma T, Hamaguchi K, Shimada T, Fujikura Y, Shibata H: A clinical approach to brown adipose tissue in the para-aortic area of the human thorax. PloS one 10:e0122594, 2015.
  14. Mitsutomi K, Masaki T, Shimasaki T, Gotoh K, Chiba S, Kakuma T, Shibata H: Effects of a nonnutritive sweetener on body adiposity and energy metabolism in mice with diet-induced obesity. Metabolism 63:69-78, 2014
  15. Kakuma T, Chiba S, Takahashi Y, Kai K, Tsubone T. Yoshimatsu H: Self-weighing contributes to glycemic control: importance of measuring body weight. Diabetol Int  4, 40-44, 2013
  16. Gotoh K, Inoue M, Masaki T, Chiba S, Shiraishi K, Shimasaki T, Matsuoka K, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Fukunaga N, Aoki K, Nawata T, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Yoshimatsu HGotoh K, Inoue M, Masaki T, Chiba S, Shiraishi K, Shimasaki T, Matsuoka K, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Fukunaga N, Aoki K, Nawata T, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Seike M, Yoshimatsu H: Obesity-related chronic kidney disease is associated with spleen-derived IL-10. Nephrol Dial Transplant 28:1120-1130, 2013.
  17. Gotoh K, Masaki T, Chiba S, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Shimasaki T, Mitsutomi K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H: Hypothalamic brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulates glucagon secretion mediated by pancreatic efferent nerves. J Neuroendocrinol 25:302-311, 2013.
  18. Gotoh K, Masaki T, Chiba S, Ando H, Fujiwara K, Shimasaki T, Mitsutomi K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, corticotropin-releasing factor, and hypothalamic neuronal histamine interact to regulate feeding behavior.  J Neurochem 125:588-598, 2013.
  19. Gotoh K, Masaki T, Chiba S, Ando H,Shimasaki T, Mitsutomi K, Fujiwara K, Katsuragi I, Kakuma T, Sakata T, Yoshimatsu H: Nesfatin-1, corticotropin-releasing hormone, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and neuronal histamine interact in the hypothalamus to regulate feeding behavior.  J Neurochem 124:90-99, 2013.
  20. Shimasaki T, Masaki T, Mitsutomi K, Ueno D, Gotoh K, Chiba S, Kakuma T, Yoshimatsu H: The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor des-fluoro-sitagliptin regulates brown adipose tissue uncoupling protein levels in mice with diet-induced obesity.  PloS one 8:e63626, 2013.
  21. Ueno D, Masaki T, Gotoh K, Chiba S, KakumaT, Yoshimatsu H: Cilnidipine regulates glucose metabolism and levels of high-molecular adiponectin in diet-induced obese mice.  Hypertens Res 36:196-201, 2013.
