客員研究員 植村篤実
座右の銘Alles hat seine Zeit.

1)Uemura A., Hiramatsu M., Akita Y. ; An ectopic ureterocele, an urethrostenosis and a hypoplastic kidney in a girl with urinary tract infection and enuresis. Japanese J. Pediat. Nephrol 21(2)109-112, 2008
2)Uemura, A., Takizawa, T., Ochiai, W., Yanagisawa, M., Nakashima, K., Taga, T.: Cardiotrophin-like cytokine induces astrocyte differentiatin of fetal neuroepithelial cells via STAT3. Cytokine. 18: 1-7, 2002
3)Uemura, A., Nakazato, H., Karashima, S., Endo, F., Hattori, S.: A Case of Alcaligenes xylosoxidans peritonitis in an automated peritoneal dialysis patient. Japanese J. Pediat. Nephrol. 12: 45-49, 1999
4)Yoshino, T., Sumiyoshi, H., Shin, T., Matsuo, N., Inagaki, Y., Ninomiya, Y. Yoshioka H.: Multiple proteins are involved in the protein-DNA complex in the proximal promoter of the human α1(III) collagen gene (COL3A1). Biochimica Biophysica Acta, 1729: 94-104, 2005