研究室配属 Research Training


NEWS! 2023年5月8日 研究室配属が始まりました。
配属学生 氏名 研究テーマ コメント

 2041010 伊藤 夏希
● 乾癬の病態におけるケモカインの機能解析


【感想】今回の研究室配属を通して、多くのことを学ぶことができました。 まず、研究における実験を正確に行うことの難しさです。例えば、PCR法においてサンプルと試薬やプライマーを混ぜる段階で、一つでも濃度や量を間違えると、本来とはかけ離れた結果になったり、データが得られなくなったりしました。データの正確性は、実験の手技が安定して確立されていることが前提とされていることを感じました。さらに、一つ一つの工程や試薬などが果たす役割について理解しながら行うことが重要だと思いました。 また、研究結果の再現性についてです。一度の実験、またn数が少ない実験で得られたデータは、マウスの個体差や、試薬などの条件、先程述べさせていただいたような手技的な要因で、二回目以降の実験、n数を増やした実験で変化しうるということです。だからこそ、一回の実験で得られたデータを鵜呑みにせず、何回も繰り返して再現性を得ることが大切なことを学びました。 最後に、得られたデータからの考察についてです。私はこれが一番楽しくも、難しくも感じました。【右欄へ続く】


【感想の続き】その研究についての既報を参考にすることも大切だと思いますが、まだまだ知識や経験が浅い私にとっては自分の考えでそのデータを解釈することが、難しかったです。また、結果はあくまでも病態における可能性を示しているもので、決めつけてはいけないことも学びました。しかし、結果を解釈して次の実験の目的につなげたりすることが、研究において最も大切なことの一つではないかと感じました。ほかにもわかりやすいプレゼンの方法など、研究室で多くのことを教えていただきました。今回学んだことを糧に、これからも知識や経験を積み、より良い研究を行いたいと思いました。 最後に、親身になって研究について指導してくださりました、小林先生、Supanuch Ekronarongchai先生をはじめ、感染予防医学講座の皆様に厚くお礼申し上げます。

2041013 上野 真愛
● トキソプラズマの新たな病原性分子の探索



 2041102 小原 直人

● 固形癌の腫瘍微小環境の網羅的な免疫プロファイリング
  指導教員:小山 正平 先生(国立がん研究センター)、小林

技術:多重免疫染色、マウス担がんモデル、フローサイトメトリー、Western blotting法

【感想】 学外配属にて国立がん研究センターにて2ヶ月間研究をさせていただきましたが、今後の研究者人生を決める上でなくてはならない経験であったと考えております。私自身は、元々薬学部で3年間基礎研究を行い、製薬企業で5年間臨床試験に携わっておりました。医学部に編入してからも病理学講座で8ヶ月間研究を行なっていました。その中で、研究者として生きていくためには、トップラボでの研究経験が必要だと考え、この研究室配属期間を利用し、国立がん研究センターにて研究を行いました。研究者がどのような専門的な知識やスキルを身につけているのか知る機会になっただけでなく、研究者としてどのように生活しているのか見聞きすることができました。また、これまで細胞株や臨床検体を用いた研究経験はありましたが、その中間に位置する非臨床の動物モデルの研究経験がありませんでした。国立がん研究センターでは色々な先生の実験を見学やお手伝いさせていただく機会があり、その中でマウスを用いた実験をさせていただきました。つまり、細胞株、動物モデル、臨床検体そして治験といった、薬を開発するための上流から下流まで一通り経験させていただきました。今後の医学部生活では、この経験を活かしていきたいと考えております。元々、医学部では臨床志向の学生が多いと聞いており、実際に医学部に入学してからもそれは肌で感じており、研究医志望者が少ない現状は課題であると考えております。【右欄へ続く】


【感想の続き】そのため、私の基礎研究、トランスレーショナルリサーチ(TR)や臨床での経験を活かせる機会、例えば研究に興味がある学生がいれば私自身の経験や知識を還元していきたいと思っております。 最後になりましたが、研究室配属期間がなければこのような機会を得ることは難しかったため、関係者の皆様に対して感謝を申し上げるとともに、特に今回学外にて研究をする機会をくださった、国立がん研究センターの西川博嘉先生や小山正平先生、大分大学の窓口担当を受け入れてくださった、小林隆志先生に深謝いたします。

Nath Wareewanich
● 乾癬の病態におけるケモカインの機能解析
● Role of chemokines in the pathogenesis of psoriasis
  Supervisor: Ekronarongchai and Kobayashi
 Nath-kun is a second-year medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University. He has learned qPCR technique to measure cytokines and chemokines in a mouse model of psoriasis. He also learned Flow cytometry and ELISA techniques.

【comments 1】 During my time at Oita University, I had the opportunity to work with many talented researchers in Kobayashi-sensei's lab. I am very grateful for their kindness and helpfulness during my stay. Our study’s focus was on the pathway of psoriasis in humans using mouse samples. It was fascinating to learn about the complexities of this disease and to find the possibility to utilize this knowledge.

During my three-week stay, Nan-san provided me with invaluable guidance on laboratory techniques such as qPCR, ELISA, and flow cytometry. Her advice helped me to develop my skills and gain confidence in the lab. (to be continued)
【comments 2】 Apart from the research, the area around Oita University was a peaceful place to live in. The city center was also energetic and modern, offering a wide range of shops and restaurants. One of my best memories in Oita was trying Kare-udon, a delicious dish that quickly became my favorite.

Overall, my experience doing research at Oita University was both challenging and enjoyable. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such talented researchers and to learn so much about the research process. Although I will miss the food and atmosphere of Oita, I am excited to bring back the skills and knowledge I gained during my stay to Thailand. Thank you everyone at the lab, I will miss all of you and Oita!

Atsuki Matsuzawa
● 遺伝子改変ゼブラフィッシュを用いたMSG9の機能解析
● Analysis of the MSG9 gene using genetically modified zebrafish
  Supervisor: H. Shiraishi and T. Hanada
 Atsuki-san is a second-year medical student, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University. She has analyzed the role of MSG9 gene using genetically modified zebrafish. She has learned the basic technique of genome editing in zebrafish usign a CRISPR/Cas9 system.

【comments 1】 During my one-month research training at Oita University's Department of Cell Biology, I worked with zebrafish and learned valuable techniques such as the use of Cas9 protein and guide RNA to induce targeted mutations, as well as PCR, Western blotting, and CoIP. These techniques enabled us to study the role of specific genes and proteins in zebrafish development, leading to potential insights into human biology and new treatments for human diseases. Overall, the experience was rewarding and provided me with useful skills and knowledge for my medical career.
【comments 2】 I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professors and colleagues at Oita University's Department of Cell Biology for their warm and friendly support during my research training. Their guidance and expertise were invaluable in helping me learn new techniques and deepen my understanding of biology.

Beyond the academic benefits, the friendly and welcoming atmosphere at Oita University made my time there a truly memorable experience. I will always cherish the memories and friendships made during my stay in Oita, and I will miss the community dearly.

Thanaphat Phupanna
【comments】 I was fascinated and impressed during the research training program at the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University, for one month. I had the opportunity to learn how to work in the laboratory for research. Our study focuses on toxoplasmosis, the infectious disease that severely affects humans and animals. We were studying how to prevent and control the severity of the disease. Although this study focuses on the effect on humans, it’s also zoonosis disease. I am interested in studying how to cut the cycle by vaccination in animals in the future. I worked and learned how to handle and restrain laboratory mice. I learned and practiced how to genotyping via PCR technique. I learned many techniques such as B-cells collecting, protein assay method, western bloating, Vero cells culturing, serum collecting, flow cytometry, and ELISA. Overall, it was hard at first, but everyone was kind to help and gave me infinite knowledge, so it was a precious time in my life working and learning with them. The knowledge and experiences received from this program were more than I expected. I will apply what I’ve learned in my veterinary study and try harder to improve myself. 【comments】 I would learn how to work in laboratory processes for research. This exchange program is a wonderful opportunity for me to practice laboratory skills and exchange culture.

Thanitaporn Nonsri
In this one-month research training, I was part of the department of Neurophysiology, under the supervision of Reiko Hanada-sensei. I worked with zebrafish, mainly practiced on the use of zebrafish as a model study from the very beginning of the Transgene process: Fish Aquaculture, Fish Mating, Plasmid DNA Purification, Microinjection.
In this lab, I observed the works of four talented researchers, Umeda-san, who has studied the cognitive behavior of zebrafish in response to ethanol, which is a rare experiment. I practiced statistical analysis of experimental results. Phurpa-san, who studied heart failure zebrafish model induced by isoproterenol and verapamil. I observed culture of transformed E.coli, restriction digestion of plasmid, fish heart rate monitoring. Shan-san, who studied inflammatory intestine model induced by LPS and DSS. I observed fish fixation for histopathology. Besides, I learned how to prepare Half Karnovsky’s Fixative, Tissue collection for Genotyping and observed fluorescence imaging of neural activity from Magdeline-san. I have learned a lot of useful things that I can apply in my career in the future.
Due to my thirst for learning, I practiced restraining and collecting blood samples from laboratory mice, doing tissue collection for genotyping of mice and PCR with Eve-san, who instructed and allowed me the opportunities to do them myself. Also, I practiced preparing skin and spleen collection for Flow cytometry from Nan-san.
Without the help of Natsuki Matsuno-san, the lab’s secretary, I would have been struggling through this time. She facilitated me in many ways such as taking me to create an ID for connecting to the internet, lending me a laptop to use when I could not connected to the internet, and helping me get into Japanese class. I really appreciate that.
【comments】 I would learn about working in the advance laboratory, especially at the Faculty of Medicine, Oita University, where is academic readiness and advancement. This exchange program is a very special and rare opportunity that if I could reach it even just once would be enough to enhance my few experience and knowledge. It will also be a blazing fire that will guide my vision a hundred times wider.

Thanyathon Uthaiwattana
The first time I came to Oita University, I was really excited. I had the great opportunity to work with people who were talented and specialized in each department. For nearly one month, I have been training in the Department of Cell Biology. Our study focuses on zebrafish. Using zebrafish as a prototype has valuable benefits for both humans and animals because their genes and organs are similar to humans; they used to analyze and study gene mutations for future medical use I have learned important techniques that are useful for my veterinary career, such as PCR, DNA cloning, HE stain, and flow cytometry. In addition to my laboratory experience, I have met people who were sincere and kind to me while living here. I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement. It means a lot to me. This experience I can't find anywhere else. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the professors and Oita University. This place will keep a lot of memories for me. 【comments】 I would like learning and improving my skill about laboratory. I would like to apply and work as a veterinary intern and I will bring all of my knowledge and skills to the research 's benefits as much as i can. This exchange program is a wonderful opportunity for me to improve my skill and international cultural exchange.


Nath-kun and Atsuki-san, second year medical students at Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University, Thailand, have joined us. They participate in our program of research training. Nath-kun studied on autoimmune diseases using mouse models in our lab and Atsuki-san studied neurodegenerative diseases using zebrafish models in T. Hanada's lab.

April 4: The first day in Oita, in front of cherry blossoms (upper left). April 9: At Dept Cell Biol with Prof. T. Hanada (upper middle). April 13: Welcome dinner (right and bottom)

April 18: They visited the Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, where they were briefed by Professor Abe on how to operate the Doc Helicopter.

April 25: Mr. Nath and Ms. Atsuki made a courtesy call on the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Inomata.
April 28: Mr. Nath and Ms. Atsuki were awarded the Study Abroad Encouragement Award by the Oita University Faculty of Medicine International Exchange Committee, and the award ceremony was held on April 28th. The award was presented by Prof. Reiko Hanada, Chair of the committee. This award is given to students from Mahidol University and other partner universities who participate in research training at Oita University.

5月8日(月)〜7月21日(金) 配属期間
7月20日(木) 発表会(対面式)

April 28: Sushiro    

May 8th: Mr. Nath and Ms. Atsuki have completed the program. Congratulations!
May 13th: Pote-kun, Bambam-san and Ing-san, third year students at Mahasarakham University(MSU), Thailand, have joined us. They participate in our program of research training.
May 18: Joint Seminar
We held a joint seminar wiht Toshi Hanada and Reiko Hanada Labs at the Shonai Public Hall in Yufu city. 
Ms Ito (left), Ms Ueno (Middle) and Ms Sachi (Right) presented their research data in English.
May 24: Mr. Pote, Ms. Bambam and Ms. Ing made a courtesy call on the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Inomata.
June 6: Dr. Surangkanang Chaiyasak and Dr. Kanissarinn Sakundech, mentors of students from MSU, visited Oita University. We discussed the future hosting of exchange students and researchers. We hosted a welcome dinner.
June 7: Results (of a project) briefing. Mr. Pote, Ms. Bambam and Ms. Ing presented their data to their mentors, Dr. Surangkanang Chaiyasak and Dr. Kanissarinn Sakundech.
June 8: Farewell lunch party at a soba restaurant, Tenchian.
June 8: Mr. Pote, Ms. Bambam and Ms. Ing were awarded the Study Abroad Encouragement Award by the Oita University Faculty of Medicine International Exchange Committee. The award was presented by Prof. Reiko Hanada, Chair of the committee.
June 8: They received a certificate of completion from their respective mentors.
July 20: Presentation. Everyone presented their data well and responded appropriately to questions. Ms Ueno was awarded a session prize! Congratulations!!