
研究業績 Publications



  1. Yamauchi K, Kato T, Saito I, Yamaizumi M.
    Relationship between mortality risk and health-related factors and sense of coherence in residents ofa rural area in Japan.
    J Rural Med. 2020; 15(1):38-43.
  2. Ukai T, Iso H, Yamagishi K, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Yatsuya H, Muraki I, Eshak SE, Sawada N, Tsugane S.
    Habitual tub bathing and risks of incident coronary heart disease and stroke.
    Heart. 2020; 106:732-737.
  3. Kinoshita T, Maruyama K, Yamamoto N, Saito I.
    The effects of dietary licorice flavonoid oil supplementation on body balance control in healthy middle-aged and older Japanese women undergoing a physical exercise intervention: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
    Aging Clin Exp Res. 2021; 33:3099-3108.
  4. Yokoyama M, Saito I, Ueno M, Kato H, Yoshida A, Kawamura R, Maruyama K, Takata Y, Osawa H, Tanigawa T, Sugiyama T.
    Low birth weight is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Japanese adults: The Toon Health Study.
    J Diabetes Investig.  2020; 11:1643-1650.
  5. Okamoto K, Motoki T, Saito I, Urate R, Aibara K, Jogamoto T, Fukuda M, Wakamoto H, Maniwa S, Kondo Y, Toda Y, Goji A, Mori T, Soga T, Konishi Y, Nagai S, Takami Y, Tokorodani C, Nishiuchi R, Usui D, Ando R, Tada S, Yamanishi Y, Nagai M, Arakawa R, Saito K, Nishio H, Ishii E, Eguchi M.
    Survey of patients with spinal muscular atrophy on the island of Shikoku, Japan.
    Brain & Development. 2020; 42:594-602.
  6. Kihara T, Yamagishi L, Honda K, Ikeda A, Yatsuya H, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Yamaji T, Shimazu T, Sawada N, Iwasaki M, Iso H, Tsugane S.
    Apolipoprotein A2 isoforms in relation to the risk of myocardial infarction: a nested case-control analysis in the JPHC Study.
    J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021; 28:483-490.
  7. Saito I, Maruyama K, Kato T, Takata Y, Tomooka K, Kawamura R, Uesugi Y, Naito Y, Osawa H, Tanigawa T.
    Influence of insulin resistance on the association between physical activity and heart rate variability: the Toon Health Study.
    J Phys Act Health. 2020; 17:1075-1082.
  8. Ikeda A, Steptoe A, Brunner EJ, Maruyama K, Tomooka K, Kato T, Miyoshi N, Nishioka S, Saito I, Tanigawa T.
    Salivary alpha-amylase activity in relation to cardiometabolic status in Japanese adults without history of cardiovascular disease.
    J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021; 28:852-864.
  9. Matsuo R, Tanigawa T, Tomooka K, Ikeda A, Wada H, Maruyama K, Saito I.
    Sleep disordered breathing and subjective excessive daytime sleepiness in relation to the risk of motor vehicle crash: The Toon Health Study.
    Scientific Reports. 2020; 10:17050.
  10. Ogawa K, Morisaki N, Piedvache A, Nagata C, Sago H, Urayama KY, Arima K, Nishimura T, Sakata K, Tanno K, Yamagishi K, Iso H, Yasuda N, Kato T, Saito I, Goto A, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Sawada N, Tsugane S.
    Association between birth weight and risk of pregnancy induced hypertension and gestational diabetes in Japanese women JPHC-NEXT study.
    J Epidemiol. 2022; 32(4):168-173.
  11. Ota A, Li Y, Yatsuya H, Tanno K, Sakata K, Yamagishi K, Iso H, Yasuda N, Saito I, Kato T, Arima K, Sou Y, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Goto A, Inoue M, Iwasaki M, Sawada N, Tsugane S.
    Working cancer survivors’ physical and mental characteristics compared to cancer-free workers in Japan: A nationwide general population-based study.
    J Cancer Surviv. 2021; 15:912-921.
  12. Tokiya M, Itani O, Otsuka Y, Kaneita Y.
    Relationship between internet addiction and sleep disturbance in high school students: a cross-sectional study.
    BMC Pediatrics. 2020; 20:379.


  1. 藤井晶子,丸山広達,柴珠実,田中久美子,小岡亜希子,中村五月,梶田賢,江口依里,友岡清秀,谷川武,斉藤功,川村良一,髙田康徳,大澤春彦,陶山啓子.
    日本老年医学会雑誌 57:300-307, 2020.


  1. Saito I.
    Lifetime risk of coronary heart disease in Japan.
    J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021; 28:1-2.
  2. 斉藤功.
    Phama Medica. 2020; 38(10):9-12.


  1. 木下徹,藤井健志,丸山広達,斉藤功.ユビキノール(還元型コエンザイムQ10)の摂取による認知機能の維持・改善効果.New Diet Therapy,36(2):120,2020.
  2. 大田梨紗,丸山広達,吉村幸雄,岸田太郎,友岡清秀,谷川武,斉藤功.リグナン摂取量と血清脂質との関連 東温スタディ.日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集74回,241,2020.
  3. 高門美沙季,高田康徳,丸山広達,川村良一,池田陽介,羽立登志美,大沼裕,斉藤功,谷川武,大澤春彦.一般住民において、肥満とアルブミン尿は相乗的に認知機能低下と関連する.糖尿病,63(9):668,2020.
  4. 小原典子,高門美沙季,高田康徳,丸山広達,川村良一,池田陽介,大沼裕,斉藤功,谷川武,大澤春彦.一般住民においてsmall dense LDLとレジスチンは相乗的に頸動脈IMTを高める.糖尿病,63(9):657.2020.
  5. 川村良一,丸山広達,高田康徳,高門美沙季,池田陽介,羽立登志美,西田亙,大沼裕,谷川武,斉藤功.一般住民において血中レジスチンは地中海食スコアと負に関連する【東温スタディ】.糖尿病,63(9):649,2020.
  6. 羽立登志美,川村良一,高田康徳,丸山広達,高門美沙季,池田陽介,松下由美,谷川武,斉藤功,大澤春彦.喫煙による血中レジスチンの上昇は禁煙とhsCRPの低下により改善する【東温スタディ】.糖尿病,63(9):649,2020.
  7. 池田陽介,川村良一,田原康玄,高田康徳,丸山広達,高門美沙季,羽立登志美,大沼裕,谷川武,斉藤功.血中レジスチンは内臓脂肪蓄積・握力低下とSNP-420の相互作用により高まる.糖尿病,63(9):638,2020.
  8. 斉藤功.動脈硬化性疾患予防ガイドライン-次回改定に向けた課題と提言 疫学研究とスクリーニング基準.日本動脈硬化学会総会プログラム・抄録集52回,145,2020.
  9. 松崎有紗,丸山広達,友岡清秀,谷川武,斉藤功.就寝前の食行動の変化と軽度認知障害との関連 東温スタディ.日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集74回,241,2020.
  10. 宮崎さおり,丸山広達,友岡清秀,谷川武,斉藤功.咀嚼時唾液分泌量と運動機能低下との関連 東温スタディ.日本栄養・食糧学会大会講演要旨集74回,241,2020.