Head of department


Introduction of clinical department

We mainly treat thoracic malignant tumors, such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, or mediastinal tumor, among others. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Japan. It is our responsibility to diagnose these malignant tumors appropriately and promptly, and provide appropriate treatment. We perform minimally invasive surgery (thoracoscopy) for early-stage patients and multidisciplinary treatments including surgery, cytotoxic anticancer drugs, molecular targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy for advanced patients. We aim for a higher cure rate and achieve good results. We have started providing robot-assisted thoracic surgery (e.g., da Vinci) for lung cancer. We also treat a wide range of other diseases, such as pneumothorax, congenital diseases, and chest trauma.

For postoperative recurrence and advanced lung cancer, we provide an anticancer drug therapy, molecular targeted therapy, and immunotherapy based on the genetic diagnosis. We accept second opinions in cancer treatment.

Advanced treatments/ Specialized treatments

  1. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).
  2. Robot-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS).
  3. Extended surgery for thoracic malignancies.
  4. Molecular targeted therapy, and immunotherapy based on genetic diagnosis.
  5. Central airway intervention and airway stenting for airway stenosis.
  6. Clinical trial and study.