Head of department


Introduction of clinical department

The Department of Medical Oncology performs the diagnosis and treatment (including treatments using anticancer agents, molecular targeted drugs, and immune checkpoint inhibitors) of gastrointestinal cancers (such as esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, bile duct cancer, and pancreatic cancer), respiratory cancers (such as lung cancer), and unknown primary cancers. With the cooperation of other departments, the Department of Medical Oncology also promotes multidisciplinary treatments that combine treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and palliative therapy, and conducts various support and research activities with the objective of realizing multidisciplinary care that involves various health-care professionals, including nurses and pharmacists.

In terms of its research activities, this Department has put its efforts into sponsor- and investigator-initiated clinical trials with Japanese clinical trial groups with the aims of improving the safety and efficacy of treatment for cancer patients.

Advanced treatments/ Specialized treatments

  1. Clinical trials with unapproved drugs.
  2. Multicenter cooperative clinical studies.
  3. Conducting cancer drug therapies (standard of care) in clinical practice.
  4. Cancer genomic medicine.

Specialized outpatient clinic

  • Cancer genomic medicine.